“One other thing I want to ask is what introductory classes you took toward getting your counseling degree.”

She pulled back to get a clear view of his face. His very serious face. “Why?”

“I’m not saying I’d necessarily get a counseling degree. But it could make me a better leader if I understood why my team members did certain things and could help them when they come to me for advice. If I’m good at it, when I can’t be an operator anymore, I could go into practice with you, counseling vets.”

“There’s definitely a need for that.”

“I know. And my experience on the teams could make guys more willing to open up than talking to someone who can’t relate to what they’ve experienced. I’m not an office kind of guy though. It’s just something I’m thinking about for down the road.”

“A different approach might be exactly what some vets need. Talking with a counselor while sitting in a boat or walking a dog through the woods. You could even wear combat boots.”

“Now you’re talking. I’ll look into taking a class or two. Might help me know if you’re psychoanalyzing me, because I do think you planted a few subtle suggestions to help me see things in a healthier way.”

“I’m good at my job too. And I didn’t want to go breaking your heart.” This time,shebroke out singing one of the songs John had sent her while he was away.

John immediately joined in. Together they sang, messing up the lyrics and laughing while Boss wove between them in a perfect kind of harmony.


TAKE MY NAME – Parmalee

Boss scrambledto his feet and loped to the front door, signaling John’s impending arrival.

Elizabeth went to the kitchen to check on dinner.

“Hey, Boss. You have a good day?”

Elizabeth loved hearing John’s cheerful greeting and their playful reunions on the nights she was home before him.

“Something smells fabulous,” he called to her.

“Baby back ribs with baked sweet potatoes and green beans.” And a treat for dessert. She took the potatoes out of the oven.

“Hey, darlin’, do you have something to tell me?” He held something behind his back. Boss sat next to him, cocking his head to watch her too.

“I—love you?”

“I like hearing that, but I was thinking of something else.” John wore a satisfied smile, different from any she’d seen on his handsome face.

Her curiosity rose. She took a step toward him and tried to see what was behind his back. “You know how I feel about surprises.” He loved them, though, and she was learning to enjoy them.

“I do like good ones.” He held up the pack of infant onesies she’d bought today, his gaze locked on her face.

“You peeked in the bag?”

“It looked like the one from that lingerie store.” He gave a grin, with just a hint of guilt. “So . . .”

“Our receptionist is going to have a baby. Those are for her,” she explained.

“Oh. Whew,” he tried to downplay it, but his face had the same hound dog expression as Boss’s when told he didn’t get a treat.

“Really? Because you were smiling pretty big.” His reaction made her fall even more in love with this incredible man—if that was possible.

“I was trying to be supportive. But can we have a serious discussion?”

“Serious? Sure.” She tried not to laugh.

“Okay, I deserve that.” He laid the onesies on the table, placed his hands on her hips, and pulled her close. “Where do you see us in a year, or two, or five years down the road?”