“Yeah, but we both have a lot of time to make up for before we have to get serious and keep it in the bedroom.”

“Are you afraid our sex life is going to get boring?”

He gave an indecisive shrug.

“Not a chance, soldier. Because I love you like a love song, baby,” she sang near his ear. And it was a song she wanted to repeat, over and over and over.

* * *

Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosingFaking it with the Green Beret. I hope you enjoyed John and Elizabeth and Boss’s story. I had so much fun coming up with the story and characters. Reviews and ratings are very much appreciated.

I hope you enjoyed seeingFaking it with the Bachelor’sNate and Cecilia again along with some of the ladies from Nate’s season onSay Yes to the Rose.

Linc Porter, who makes an appearance in this book is a member of the Army Bad Karma team. If you have not yet read the tastefully steamy (aka – there are sex scenes) Bad Karma Special Ops romantic suspense series, you can start withDesperate Choices, the prequel novella to the series. Then readDeadly Aim,A Shot Worth Taking, andIn the Wrong Sights.You can also get my novelette,Undercover Angel, which is Tony and Angela’s backstory FREE by subscribing to my newsletter.

I hope you’ll accept your invitation to attend John and Elizabeth’s wedding at The Oasis which takes place in the next book in theFaking Itseries,Not Faking it with the Colonel. Read on for a sample and tune in to mynewsletteror social media to get updates of what’s coming and when.

Happy reading.


Faking it with the Colonel Excerpt


In his twenty-three years in the Army, Graham Holmstrom had been given a lot of orders. As a colonel, he usually was on the giving end these days. With anyone else, he would have thought the order he’d just been given was a prank. However, General McKittrick was not known for having a sense of humor. At all.

“Can you repeat that?” Graham asked.

“I know it hasn’t even been a year since Bethann passed—”

“Last week marked seven months since …” Not even close to a year.

“I understand you’re still grieving, especially with her death being so unexpected, but we brought you in to replace Thomsen for a reason.”

“But what does that have to with me and …”

“Thomsen replaced Boatman for the same reason. Actually, it was Boatman’s second time getting caught with an NCO’s wife, so he retired quietly rather than get bumped down to major or dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming. With Mateo going after Thomsen publicly, the entire unit knows what happened. Not a good look for command.”

“But, sir, I would never—”

“That’s what Thomsen said too.”

“He was married and he still …” Graham pointed out.

“Exactly. Now, you’re single, sympathetic, an officer, and could be considered quite the catch. I’m hearing that some of the men have concerns their wives could be targets when they deploy since they’re seeing a pattern. You have a pretty, new wife should alleviate their concerns so they can focus on their missions. Or, if you’re not ready, we can find a new post for you.”

The words delivered a solid kick to Graham’s gut. “Where?” he probed as his pulse quickened to pound near his temples.

“Where would you like to go? Vincenza? South Korea? Back to Fort Lewis?”

No. No! And no. Bethann’s death hit the entire family hard. With Jace and Brent based here probably long-term, Graham wanted to stay at Fort Bragg if at all possible. “SOCOM?” He’d hoped to get a shot at his dream position in the JFK Special Warfare Center and School here at Bragg eventually.

“Don’t we all. I don’t have the pull to make that happen. You don’t have to tell me this minute. Take some time to think on it. Go on a date or two.”

A date? “I wouldn’t have a clue where to start.” It’d been nearly three decades since he’d had a first date.