“It’s okay. Bacon was a nice treat, though I would have preferred you in the bed.” His low, sexy voice heated her as his hands slid up to cup her breasts.

“You’ll have lots of mornings with me still in bed. Since we picked up pizza last night, I wanted to cook for you.”

“You’ve gone all out.”

“I like having you home.”

“Home. I like that word.” He pressed a long kiss near her temple. “Have you booked our trip though? Are we going to see the Northern Lights or someplace where we can snorkel and I can see you in a bikini?”

“There might be snorkeling where I plan to take you. I didn’t check that.”

“Okay.” He let go and reached for the coffee mug with the Special Forces logo that she’d set out for him. “So, where are we going?” He spooned sugar in before filling the mug, then gave a satisfied sigh after taking a sip.


“What? Why?”

“You need to find a place to live, so I’ve found a few options with some land for Boss.” She pointed the spatula at the print-offs on the kitchen table. “I thought we’d drive down so we can take him with us and see if any of them are a place we could call home.”

“What are you saying?” He eyed her and picked up the property listings and leafed through them.

“I want to be with you, and not just every other weekend. I’m not saying I’d move there immediately. We could give it a few months for you to get settled, and, if things go like we hope, then I’d start transitioning my practice. Scale back my days here while I’m building there. That would give my patients time to find a new counselor and the tenants here time to move on—and out.”

“You’d do that for me? Give up everything you’ve got here? Your home? Your work? Your independence?” He gave a lop-sided smile adding the last.

“I’m not totally giving up my independence. I’m trading some in for something better.”

“Well, before you do all that—or any of it—have you made reservations for down there?”

“Not yet. I wasn’t sure how soon you’d want to go and this time of year there are plenty of beach rentals. I thought we’d see the properties and enjoy a few days on the beach. Why?”

Based on his tone and look, something was up. Tampa wouldn’t be a bucket list trip since he—or they’d—be living there, but they could plan something more extravagant later.

“Let’s wait on all that until I talk to Colonel Holmstrom. Do you remember what you told me after you asked about my career goals?”

“Not exactly. I was kind of reeling from the news that you were leaving.”

“You said something along the lines of you already respected me, regardless of my rank, and that you wanted me to do what I enjoy.”

“Sounds familiar.”

“While I was deployed, I thought about that and why I wanted to get promoted. It wasn’t for the work I’d be doing. It was for pride and accomplishment. Thinking I could prove my worth to my mother and earn her respect and love. Then I had an epiphany. She was just a scared kid when she got pregnant and did what her parents wanted her to do. I’m a reminder of the choices she made that she can’t undo. I can’t change that, but I can let it go and stop blaming her for not being the mother I wanted. She may never give me her love, but I don’t need to prove myself to her. I’m happy with who I am, and what matters is keeping the respect of the person who already loves me unconditionally. You.”

Elizabeth wiped away the tears that came, not only because of how much she mattered to him, but because she knew just how freeing letting go could be. And healing. Rather than tell him, she’d had to let him come to this acceptance on his own. To believe he truly was worthy of all the things he wanted. And free to do what he wanted in life, for himself.

“I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you. Because being with you is what makes me happy. And with Boushey’s injuries, he can’t return to his position, which leaves our unit short two captains if I move. However, if Boushey were promoted and took the training slot at SOCOM in my place, I could stay on with Bravo Company, or move to his slot with Charlie, and not have to deploy quite as soon. If Colonel Holmstrom is on board and only needs to fill one captain slot right now, then I’d stay here and probably make major on the next promotion list or one after that. But if you’ve got your heart set on moving to Tampa, speak now or you’re most likely stuck with me. Because you and me darlin’, we’re stuck like glue.”

She laughed and threw her arms over his shoulders. “I think the line says ‘baby.’”

“If you prefer baby I can stick to the lyrics, but I like calling you darlin’.” He winked, and his hands gripped her waist.

“I love the way you call me darlin’. And the only thing my heart is set on is being with you. Rank isn’t important to me. I’d rather you do what brings you joy.”

“Does that mean I get to take you back to bed for a romp and nap after breakfast?” He lowered his forehead to touch hers.

“Definitely. That’ll bring us both joy.” She nipped his lower lip and gave it a playful tug.