Page 87 of The Orc Queen

“Oh Igor.” She leans on my shoulder and I stay there as she takes comfort from me.

At noon, me and ten of my closest soldiers walk through the portal, equipped with the vials Owa gave us for Margaret and Luna so they can cross. Until she employs what she calls a ‘permanent’ solution for the portal.

Our boots step into the human realm and the place we land in is not the place I landed last time, nor where I left.

It is in the waterfall. Where I met Aria.

My heart rate quickens. Did Owa place us here on purpose?

“What is this place?” Faz asks from my right.

“This is where I met Aria.”

My throat gets a little tight thinking about Aria’s almost lifeless body. That was a year ago. How everything has changed. I can barely reconcile the orc I was that night I sat on the hill staring pointlessly at the moon and where I am now.

Different life. Different orc.

And I am grateful.

“What was—”

Something moves in the trees and we all turn, weapons drawn.

I look keenly until my eyes meet black ones.


Chapter thirty-three

Three Birds


“Relax.”Istepforward,my face softening at seeing my old friend. But I can't help wondering why Owa would open the portal here. It is far from where I left Margaret and Luna. How did she know we’d find Luna here and what is Luna doinghere?

“Ooh, a fuzzy animal.” Faz steps in front of me.

Luna growls ferociously before she retreats back into the trees. I notice something nervous about her.

“Move. She doesn’t like others and she will guide us to where we need to go.” I nudge him to the side.

“Luna, don’t run. I am here on behalf of Aria.” I say to the trees where she has disappeared. I don’t advance to look for her. She may run, and I am not in spirits to run after an energetic wolf, especially not with this armour. Plus, I would like to leave this realm as soon as possible.

She reappears, eyes sharpening, ears up at the mention of her sister.

“She is about to give birth and she asked me to get you and your mother. Can you please take us to her?”

Luna looks behind me and growls. Faz stands next to me.

“This is the famous Luna. Hey pretty pet.” He goads Luna who growls and bares her canines at him, but the imbecile is grinning.

Sighing, I step in front of him. “Luna, don’t mind him, he’s an imbecile. Please take us to Margaret.”

Luna’s gaze moves back to me. Something panicked passes in her eyes and she turns, leading us to follow her. She takes us a way I know so well. Our old house.

Her ears twitch and she turns to the left like she can hear something. I lift my hand stopping those behind me. We hear movement somewhere. Then Luna dashes aggressively like she is after something alarming and I run behind her.

When we get to the house, she is in even higher alert. They moved here. There is a dying outdoor fire, and a pot atop it.