Page 64 of The Orc Queen

Mulan quickens her steps and so do I. Mulan pushes the door to the bedroom then Nani pushes me out of the way as she leaps for Mulan but my mouth is already on the floor.


What the frack?

Chapter twenty-five



Thetwofemaleorcslook at me and then Hannah. Then back and then again.

Hannah looks like she doesn’t know where to run to. Her gaze is fixed on mine. I see her fright, but I also see a little relief.

“Hannah, is that really you?” I walk towards her.

“You know her?” Nani asks.

“This is interesting.” Mulan sounds excited.

“Yes, Queen.” Hannah responds in her small voice.

“H-How are you here? Do you know where you are?” I ask standing over her, her eyes looking to mine glistening.

“Everyone is dead. H-he killed my brother.” She trembles before she bursts out with a sob.

I am on her side the next moment and so is Mulan next to mine. “Who killed everyone?” I ask for confirmation, but I already have a clue.

“Shamus. Or should I say King Shamus.” She wipes her tears.

My insides turn.Shamus is king?I don’t know why I am surprised.

“After you and the orc disappeared after the failed execution and the king’s death, Shamus sought out all those who weren’t allied to him. He killed servants, families, soldiers, communities and some of the members of the council. He went mad before he seized the throne by force.”

I feel so many things I don’t know which one to pick at first. So I focus on the present. “But how are you here?”

Last time I checked humans couldn’t cross.

“Zod…he helped me. He saved my life.” She starts shaking her head as if to expel memories. “My brother…the soldiers came for me. He was just trying to protect me…Solomon.” Her hands cover her face as she chokes on another sob. My heart breaks for her.

“I’m sorry.” I murmur.

This may very well be my fault. Shamus is angry he didn’t get me or Igor so he released his rage on everyone else, mostly those who couldn’t fight back. Me and Igor saved ourselves, but we never thought what that would mean for everyone else.

When Shamus ran, I forgot about him. All I could see was Igor and everything happened so fast. My brain just assumed they’d all be fine. I thought Shamus would miraculously disappear too. He betrayed Shepherd and Shepherd’s guard saw him.

Though, now, I don’t doubt that any of them remain, he probably started with them. He wouldn’t have allowed them to live with something to hold over his head. And even though the people didn’t like Shepherd, he was still King and there was law.

I continue comforting Hannah, patting her as she cries for a while at my side. I ask Nani and Mulan to give us space so she can be comfortable. I know firsthand how different it is being in a realm with a whole other species and I would have been more comfortable with another human face. They leave.

“I’m so happy you are well, Queen.” She finally says after a sniffle.

I take her hand. It is also good to see a familiar face. Another human. With a small smile, I say, “I am happy you are well too.” Then I take a moment before asking. “How long have you been here?”

“Over a month.”

I nod.