Page 91 of The Orc Queen

“Igor, we can talk about this. I had no choice. Don’t kill me. My children were sick.”

I hear none of it as I drag him by his feet to the center of the arena.

“No use in begging, Hanser. You know what you owe me and I am here to collect.” I say when I let his leg go.

He scrambles backwards and tries to slither away.

When he realizes there’s no escape, his head shakes, sweat dripping under his armor.

“Kneel to me and I will make it quick.” I say.

“We were friends once. My family needs me. Please. I will run. I will disappear.”

He begs like a disgusting rat and I spit on the ground. I move for him and grab him by the throat this time and I yank the armor from him. I plant his leg with a sword on the ground.

I will need him still for what happens next.

All I feel is unimaginable rage and loathing. Then I take his crying head and I hold him up, making sure he is facing Shamus. I want to show him what I am about to do to him too.

My eyes are on Shamus as I cut Hanser’s head clean from his body like a sacrificed animal.

The silence is deafening now.

Hanser’s body falls. But I bend to him, not finished with him.

Holding his head in my left hand, I punch hard through his chest. Finding the squishy organ and I yank it out. It’s not a clean extraction but it doesn’t matter.

One down.

I stand, holding both items and I look at the people. These same people who watched me. These same people who called for Aria’s execution. I see the fear in their eyes. And I let my gaze slide on them before they go to the Prime Minister of the Obu Kingdom who seems a little entertained, and then they finally land on Shamus.

“This is a debt. There are two humans who owed me their heads. This one…andhim.” I use the hand with the heart to point at the slime.

My steps move closer to the hanging booth that has them. I ignore the gasps and the murmurs.

“Come face me in the ring. Your ancestors have called for you.”

One of the council members rises from next to Shamus and he says, “Issues to the throne are permitted but they must be permitted by the council. Is this an official challenge to the King?”

Shamus rises to smite the elderly man, but one look from the Prime Minister and he schools his face. I mildly wonder why the Prime Minister is here. Are they allying with them?

“The council will never agree to this.” Shamus says strongly.

“The council permits the challenge.” The other elderly man sitting behind his chair on his left says.

I stand there with the challenge. Either way it doesn’t end well for him. If he doesn’t accept the official challenge issued and supported by the council, he violates a law. But he knows he’s dead either way and nothing will save him. I will go up there and drag him out.

This is a promise I made to Aria and nothing will stop me. Not even if I have to fight each of these humans to get to him. I will have him. I will have his heart in my hand this day.

“You are all sworn to protect the king! This is outrageous!” Shamus shouts.

Nobody seems to want to come to his aid as he looks around for help and all avert their gazes.

When he tries to run, the guards block his path.

“You are the King’s guard!” he says.

“A challenge has been issued, King.” The soldier stands firm. I recognize this soldier. He was one of the ones that got away that day. He definitely saw Shamus stab Shepherd.