Page 62 of The Orc Queen

I swing expeditiously and duck as I take one swift step and go for the cream-colored belly. I use all my might and the creature roars in pain. I see a slash of blood, but it flaps its wings and lands a distance from me.

Something hits the back of my head with such a violent force, I fall on my face. Pain greater than anything I’ve ever felt takes over my whole body.

I can’t move.

There is still too much dust to see anything, but I faintly hear the growls from my comrades as a large shadow comes over us.

I try to blink, try to see where my team is. I only see Obani and Kaja. They are both under the talons of wyrens on their stomach. A large wind clears all the dust, and legs larger than any of the dragons we were just in battle with land not too far from me.

Another dragon. Maybe twice the size of the one I was battling. It’s one foot could snuff out my life with no problem.

I need to see it.

With all the strength I can muster, even as it feels like my body wants to separate from me, I move my body slightly so my eyes can see.

A thunderous roar fills the large open space, shaking the ground and reverberating in my own bones as the echoes sound in the distant.


I need to say something. I know if I don’t, we will be doomed. I don’t even know where the others are. But I may just save the ones who are here. With great effort my eyes finally take in the massive creature.

It is orange in color and has red spikes covering its back, legs, and tail lining. My eyes finally meet black ones as it stares down at me.

“We come in peace.” I cough out blood.Frack.

The dragon bends to me and as I try to move unsuccessfully, black smoke comes out of its mouth. Hot and toxic.

Blackness takes me away instantly.

Chapter twenty-four



“Aria?”Hanisnapsherfingers in my face for a second time.

“Huh?” I look around the room and her and Mulan are staring at me, concerned.

“What happened with Owa? You haven’t been yourself since.” Mulan asks.

“Nothing.” I choose the lie; I don’t know how to explain what happened there. I’m still not entirely sure myself. I cooked for them after and left them with a hot meal before I came to Hani’s. The sun is hiding from the world, but the intense orange is still in the horizon.

“Just say you don’t want to talk about it, Aria. We know it isn’t nothing.” Hani scolds me and I flinch a little.

“Something strange happened but honestly even if I were to tell you the truth, I don’t know what happened. Owa was in one of her spiritual episodes and she spoke a language I don’t know, holding my hand.” I try to explain.

“She didn’t say what that was about?” Mulan asks.

I shake my head.

“I am not too familiar with that old sorcerer, but I heard she is never wrong. So maybe trust that the spirits were speaking to her, and she will let you know if it was for you to know.” Hani says.

They are taking this lightly, but I know what I saw. I nod anyway. In any case I am not interested in sharing about this.

“Mulan, didn’t you say Nani was supposed to bring the mead for us? Isn’t it already getting late? I want to ease the day away from me.” Hani says to Mulan, and me and Mulan both chuckle after giving each other a look.

Though she doesn’t do it often, Hani has been taking to the mead more often in the afternoons. I guess being in a loveless union will do that to you.