“Can you go to Mulan while I see a few people?” He asks.
“Yeah. I think I can talk to her about the plan for the new place and we can get a head start maybe gathering help from the orcs who will remove the things we don’t need first.” I answer.
“That’s great.”
“See you at lunch then?” I say when we come into the assembly and the warm day touches us once more.
“I wouldn’t miss it.” He ushers me into where Mulan’s chambers are. He kisses my forehead before I ascend the stairs.
I knock on Mulan’s door, and I hear a few voices inside and feet shuffling before she opens the door for me.
“Aria.” She says with a bright smile.
“Hello,” I say awkwardly.
She looks back before she looks at me. “Come in, but I have guests. I hope you don’t mind it,” she says and widens the door.
I see Hani and Faz. He is sitting comfortably in one of the chairs.
“The bravest creature I know,” Faz says with a wide grin. I can’t help the chuckle. Igor isn’t as bad as they are all saying. If they knew just how soft the orc is.
“Fancy seeing you here,” I say as I walk in, feeling surprisingly relaxed. I think the fact that Igor seems to like his cousins – well, all except Todo – and they are fond of him makes me feel ease.
“I am just here to scrounge for food. Mulan here cannot resist feeding me,” he says.
“Don’t you have a mate?” I realize once I’ve asked that it is very forward, but his smile says he doesn’t mind it.
“Not yet, but like I said maybe my hope is in your realm. Plus, ruffling father’s feathers with another human woman would do good for my soul.”
We all laugh.
“The King will banish you some day.” Mulan says.
“I hope he does. Look what it did for Imp.” He gestures to me, and I chuckle.
“Anyway, Aria, so how did everything go?” Mulan asks as she rounds the counter, grabbing a jug of a cream slurry.
“We are still both breathing, so I’d say very good,” I answer.
Their grins tell me it’s the right answer.
“You must have magic powers or something, human,” Faz says a little curiously.
“That is not the Imp who left a hundred years ago. He was…something completely different. Now he is….” Faz has a proud look in his eyes even as he doesn’t finish. Then he looks at me. “Thank you for what you did for my cousin. He was always a good orc inside and strong.”
“I didn’t really do anything for him. That’s how I found him. I think hundred years in solitary will change anyone.”
Everyone nods. Then I tell them about Igor’s old place. I help Mulan cook and dish food for me and Igor. Leaving Faz eating everything in Mulan’s kitchen, we go with Hani to check out the place.
They promise to get a few orcs to help, and we will start the next day. They also help me with the ensemble for the afternoon and I am grateful for them.
Chapter twelve
The Business Of Kings