Page 9 of Slicer

My father steps forward and says, "You walk out of this house; don't bother coming back. You'll have nothing."

I smile. "Actually, I'll have the wages I saved up as well as the $10,000 my grandmother left me, which is now in my account, so fine by me."

I'm bluffing; I don't have the money yet, but I wanted to shove his crap up his ass.

I walk out and leave them fuming. I'd love to see how they expect to try to cover this. I get in my car before starting her up, driving to the town where there's a homeless shelter to see if I can stay there for the weekend until I speak to Mr. Andrews, who, lucky for me, cannot stand my parents or Alberto's. When I get there, one of the women lets me in when I explain my situation, and I make camp at one of the beds right near the exit. Wincher is safe-ish, but I don't want to risk it. I quickly got my phone and called in sick at work. George was understanding when I told him my situation and promised to keep it to himself, saying I could come back on Monday before hanging up.

I take a deep breath and start the search for the local MC's number, hoping I can try and find Noah. When I see the Rebel's number on one of their charity sites, I call it. It's our local MC, but you never know; he may just be new to their chapter.

It rings five times before someone answers.


I swallow hard and clear my throat. "Hi, uh, I uh, this is going to sound odd, but I was wondering if you have a brother called Noah or if your club is affiliated with anyone with that name."

He hums, "Sorry toots; unfortunately, we all go by road names. If a brother has given you his legal name, it means he wantedyou to know him, which is an honor in our way of life, meaning he sees you as his forever. Now, unfortunately, we don't have any brothers with that legal name, and I don't know any of the other clubs we affiliate with legal names; we don't make it known, and unfortunately for you, darling, our by-laws mean I can't even tell you who we have connections with without breaking contracts and legally binding agreements." I let out a sniffle, dammit. "I'm sorry, darling."

Nodding my head, I rasp, "Thank you anyway," before hanging up and wiping my tears.

This is going to be difficult, but I can't give up. My baby deserves to know it's Daddy.

Wiping my eyes, I decide to try and get some sleep, and I can try another MC tomorrow. I think there's one in Morgan City that I was told was a friendly club, then another in Winchester, but I'm told they can be quite brutal, but I have to try.

Slowly, I lie down, placing my hand on my flat stomach.

One club down, several to go, and I just have to hope I find the club he's actually in because, by the sounds of things, no club is going to tell me who they're affiliated with.

Chapter 3

Slicer – 3 years later

I crick my neck while I wait for Dagger, who's currently speaking to Stone, the Rebel's VP. The conversation looks intense, so I'm keeping my guard up. We've done the handover; the money is good, and all we need to do now is get some grub at the diner and then head home. Once they've shook hands, Dagger comes over to me with concern in his gray eyes for me, and I furrow my brows while Stone tilts his bold head.

What the fuck is going on?

Dagger clears his throat. "Brother, three years ago, a woman called the Rebels."

I raise a brow, wondering why I need to know that, as Stone makes his way over.

Dagger continues, "She was looking for a brother with the legal name Noah."

Both my brows hit my hairline when Stone speaks next: "I wasn't aware it was you, brother, which is why I never told you. As you know, we affiliate with several clubs, and I don't know why I kept asking around over the years." He runs his hand over his head, "but I guess it was the hitch in her voice. She was asking if I knew anyone called Noah or affiliated with anyone with that name; when I told her no and that I couldn't even tell her who weaffiliated with, she let out a sob before thanking me anyway and hung up."

I swallow hard.

There's only one woman I gave my given name to too; could it be?


I look into Stone's dark eyes, and he shrugs. "She never gave me her name, only that she was looking for you."

I sigh and drop my chin to my chest, feeling my short beard against my exposed skin.

Fuck, was she looking for me?

Was it her?

I shake my head before looking back toward him. "Thanks for letting me know, brother."