Page 17 of Gunner

My name is Gunner for a reason—I'm really fucking good with artillery, rifles, and guns, to be specific.

She pales before Axel steps forward.

"Leave now!"

Leslie shakes her head, her brown bob in a mess, while her brown eyes fire anger at us before she screams.


Just as Ink pulls up.

He did have a smile on his face, so I'm guessing things are good with Sophie, and I smile a little. Apparently, Sophie hasn't had anything to do with Leah since I begged her to bring her friend to the bar for Ink. I think I may have broken their friendship, and the guilt is fucking horrid, but at least my brother is happy again.

His smile soon fades when he sees his egg donor, but her smile comes out, seeing him with relief, but I just snort and shake my head. She's delusional if he wants anything to do with her.

He slowly puts his sunglasses on his head before turning to Leslie.

"You need to leave, Leslie."

She flinches but doesn't deter as she places her hands on her hips. "What's this I hear you dating a fucking whore."

We all stand straighter at her words, words that are going to get her throat fucking slit as Ink growls out, punctuating each word, "Don't. Ever. Fucking. Call. My. Woman. A. Whore."

"I can do whatever I want, your MY son; she's not dating you; I've already forbade her."

I furrow my brows.

When in the fuck did she see Sophie?

I looked towards Axel, who was also confused when Ink got off his bike and got in her face. "You have five fucking seconds to leave before I take you to the basement, and this time my father won't be able to stop me, and the next time you go near my woman, I'll kill you without hesitation."

Her eyes go wide with unshed tears, but we all just shake our heads.

We've fallen for that trick one too many times; ask fucking Dagger, considering he's the one who suffered.

Fuck, I feel like a shit enforcer for not picking up on the shit he was going through.

Stormy steps forward, "I'd do as he says, Leslie, because our prospect here doesn't like you too much, especially with the gun he's currently pointing at you, and to be honest, I'm kind of hoping he shoots it."

I hear Shane snort as Leslie turns her head towards him in fear when Ink's phone rings and he freezes before he rasps, "It's Uncle David."

I sucked in a breath, my eyes wide. He wouldn't be calling Ink unless it was an emergency, and by the look in Ink's eyes, he wasn't expecting a phone call today. He puts the phone on loudspeaker as he answers it when David, who is also the sheriff, panicked voice come over the speakers before he hangs up.

"Jackson, get to the General now; it's Sophie."


I quickly rush over to my Harley that my dad got me on my 16thbirthday while shouting over my shoulder to him, "INK, SNAP OUT OF IT, I'LL CALL LEAH."

I climb on, the fire red tank glaring in the sun, before calling her quickly, but she doesn't answer, which I should have fucking predicted, so I do the emergency call that we came up with a few years ago when she got a flat tire on the Hudson Bridge, and I didn't answer because I was too busy fucking Cara and Silver. She ended up leaving her car there and walking back to hers in the pissing-down rain.

I ring her, let it ring twice, and then hang up. I do it twice before ringing again, and she answers immediately.

"Gunner?" Her voice is shaky, and I feel fucking horrible for doing this, but I need to get to the hospital.

She needs to get to the hospital.

"Something happened to Sophie; get to the hospital now."