Page 35 of Gunner

I furrow my brow at him. "For what?"

He just grins, "making me a grandpa."

I grin back and shake my head while he puts his arm around my shoulders as his wife Hazel leans on my other side, grinning widely and making me giggle when she whispers,

"Is it a boy?"

I go to answer her but stop when a voice booms.


I turn to see Gunner standing near the door with his hands on his hips, his dark blue t-shirt stretching over his muscles. Not. Flipping. Fair.

He grins when he sees my reaction to him, making me scowl at him while his mother pouts.

"I'm the grandma I deserve to know!"

I bite my lip to stop my laughter.

As much as I don't want to be around these people, they're still the baby's family, and the baby deserves to know they're family.

"I don't care, mom. I don't even know what we're having, and by the looks of my woman's face, she does, so if anyone is going to find out first, it'll be me."

She huffs, making her husband chuckle while I wrap my arms over my chest, my breasts pushing up, which are so sore it's unbelievable, I tell yah.

"Not your woman."

He grins before his eyes go to my breasts, lust shining in his eyes, and I scowl, dropping my arms, making him look at my face again before he walks over to me. He places a kiss on my forehead, making my stupid backstabbing heart flutter before he pulls back. "I've already ordered your cut, Angel; you are my woman, my old lady. I know it'll take time for you to trust me again, but you are mine. I know you love me just as much as I love you; it's how I know you'll forgive me for the last five years, but I also know how I'll treat you like a queen for the rest of your life for the pain I put you through."

I swallow hard at his speech when the door opens again and Cammy walks in. Her brown eyes lock with my green ones, hers showing sorrow, mine probably showing resentment for how she treated me and how she stopped me from seeing Mel when she was shot.

I look away as she clears her throat. "Butch, Hazel, and Gunner. I have told Mel and Dagger, who are currently pissed at me for yet again sticking my nose where it's not wanted, but I thought you should know. I told Leah not to go to the hospital when Mel was shot, and I told her she wasn't family."

Gunner tenses, but I just shake my head.

Everyone's so quick to judge me and treat me like crap on the word of that 'man', but now they have proof I wasn't what they thought; they think a simple apology would be enough to forgive.

I shake my head again; I can't deal with this shit anymore. I leave everyone in the kitchen and head into the common room before heading out the front door towards the van that the prospect Cal will be driving. He gives me a small "I'm sorry" smile, but I don't return it.

Everyone's fucking sorry. It doesn't change the hell I've been through because of them when I treated them like family.

I go to open the door, but Gunner beats me to it, opening it for me. He helps me in before looking at his bike, then back to me, furrowing his brows before his eyes narrow.

"Did you know you were fucking pregnant when you sat on the back of my bike?"

I just grin at him, making him growl, before placing a small kiss on my lips, making me gasp, before he shuts the door with a cocky smirk on his face.

That son of... I don't get to finish my thought as Cal starts the van up just as Shane sits next to me. Axel takes the front as we leave the clubhouse grounds after Henry, the new prospect, opens the gates for us, waving as we go through, and I wave back, causing the two prospects to scowl and sulk, and I just shrug. "He's new; he didn't make me feel unwanted and like shit." They sulk harder, causing me to giggle, and they shake their headsas Gunner bikes towards the passenger side of the van, staying there, Hawk takes the driver's side, making me raise a brow, and Shane just shrugs.

"Precious cargo is on board."

Cal nods in agreement, "an old lady, a pregnant one to boot."

I just huff, leaning back in my seat and making them both smirk.

Old lady! I don't think so; that ship sailed long ago.

A few hours later, Ink and Soph joined us at her momma's house, and we’d just finished packing up. I can hear everyone talking outside while I’m sitting in the guest room that was basically mine. I’ve emptied it and kept nearly enough of everything except for this door frame that I know I can’t take.