The last time we saw each other was on the day of my interview, and I have no idea what happened to my cell phone since then.

It’s been a few weeks since I got married. Has anyone looked for me? If so, what would they have told the police? I scoff just thinking about it, because now that I know how powerful Mikhail actually is, there’s no doubt he has the cops on his payroll.

I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get that close to people, because honestly, who am I kidding? Getting close to people just means losing them in the end, considering the type of life I come from.

God, I was naïve thinking my father would really let me go so easily. I wanted freedom so badly that I was blinded to the truth. We weren’t his daughters; we were his commodities.

With another sigh, I heave myself off from the bed and scream when I see someone leaning against my door with a smile on their face.

Wearing a skintight pair of black jeans, a gorgeous black silk blouse with a black leather jacket and heels, is Natalya, Mikhail’s little sister.

“Jesus Christ, Natalya! You gave me a heart attack!” I exclaim as my hand goes to my chest and I try to control my breathing.

“Someone looks like they’re wallowing in regret,” Natalya says as she pushes off the door. “Something happen between you and my brother?”

While my heart slows down after being scared shitless, I think about the best way to answer that question. Did something happen between me and Mikhail or am I just overthinking things?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and immediately regretting it because now it looks like I’m being defensive.

“Are you sure about that?” she says with a grin and a quirk of her eyebrow. “Because I saw Mikhail a few minutes ago wearing the exact same expression as you, just his face was more…scowly.”

“Pretty sure that’s his normal face,” I say, and shake my head. “By the way, why are you lurking in my bedroom?”

She walks over to me and gives a light shrug of her shoulder. “Thought I’d invite you out for lunch to get to know you better, but if you’d rather be in here wallowing in your own feelings, then be my guest.”

I look at her, this spitfire that seems to exude the same mix of confidence and cockiness as her brother, and wonder why she would even want to know me. She was all cold toward me at the dinner gala the other night, so it didn’t make sense.

“You want to get to know me? I didn’t even think you liked me,” I say with a frown. “Besides, don’t you have school?”

Natalya raises her eyebrow and I’m starting to think she’s mastered the look. “It’s Saturday, in case my brother fucked the sense of time out of you—”

“He did not!” I exclaim, feeling scandalized, and she grins. “I mean … we haven’t done that…”

She looks incredulous and scoffs. “Wow, Mischa has no game then.”


“It’s his nickname. Now are you coming with me for some lunchtime margaritas or am I going alone?” she asks, looking exactly like a mafia princess who is used to getting her way and I can do nothing but sigh. If this will get me out of the penthouse and out of this funk, then so be it.

“Okay, okay, just let me get ready. Where are we going? And how old are you anyway?” I ask when I realize she’s just mentioned lunchtime margaritas. “Aren’t you too young for margaritas?”

“Russian genes, babygirl,” she says and rolls her eyes, walks towards me and pushes me to the bathroom. “We’re going to a restaurant my brother owns and I’m twenty turning twenty-one in a few months. Now go get ready!”

With this, she pushes me inside the bathroom and closes the door in my face. Good god, what a brat.

Twenty years old? Didn’t Mikhail mention that she was at St Leonards? Both Sophia and I attended St Leonards, the only school for mafia kids, although Sophia stayed there long after she graduated.

I poke my head out of the door and find Natalya lying down on the bed with her legs in the air, swinging them like a child.

Why are you still at St Leonards if you’ve graduated already?”

She turns her head to look at me. “It’s required for the kids of high-ranking members to learn the ins and outs of our family trade. So after graduating, we stay a few extra years. Didn’t you?”

I shake my head. “No, but my sister did…” I trail off, then walk back inside the bathroom.

Wait, my father had Sophia learn about his business? I wasn’t asked to stay on longer after graduating, so what exactly did he have planned with my sister? Something tells me there’s more to this, but I doubt my mother or father would even tell me.

Besides, I’m a Bratva wife now. They wouldn’t trust me.