“Sorry for waking you,Malyshka,” he says, his voice a deep timbre. “I just needed to feel you.”

“Hmmm,” I thrum, my body feeling numb after that. “You can wake me up like that whenever you want, Pakhan.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Gabriette,” he growls. “Calling me that, in your breathy voice, will get you fucked hard again.”

I can’t help but giggle, only to gasp when he pulls out of me, sliding his still hard cock between my soaked folds. My body trembles when his cockhead slides over my sensitive clit, and he chuckles again.

“Come, let’s get you cleaned up so you can get back to sleep,” he says as he kisses my neck and I sigh.

“Aw, I don’t want to,” I groan. “Can I just stay here and sleep?”

He picks me up and there’s my answer, so I grumble as he walks me to the bathroom. But when he places me down on the floor, a wave of embarrassment hits me when I feel his cum seeping out of me.

I look down while he adjusts the taps and I cringe before I walk to grab some tissue, when he stops me.

“I want to see my cum dripping out of you, don’t you fucking dare,” he says, then he turns to me and grins. “It’s just me staking my claim, baby.”

“Ugh,” I groan and roll my eyes, but secretly I feel warm inside because he called me ‘baby’. Usually it’sMalyshkaor good girl when we’re fucking … never baby in a breathy voice.

The thought warms me up, so I push my apprehensions aside and join him in the shower.


“There’s something I have to tell you,” Mikhail says as we walk into the closet. “It’s about Sophia.”

My back goes ramrod straight at the mention of my estranged sister, not feeling too comfortable talking about her, knowing she would have been in my position right now. Then guilt slivers into my heart at that thought.

What the hell, Gabi. Your sister is dead.

“What is it?”

He pulls on a pair of boxer briefs before walking over to me. “I’ve been given intel pointing to Sophia being murdered,” he says, and I drop the blouse in my hand. “She didn’t commit suicide,Malyshka.”

I feel like the walls are closing in on me when Mikhail wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. Sophia was murdered? How can that be? How did they miss this?

“I’m working to find out what happened,” he says, stroking my hair. “I’m meeting up with your father tonight to see what he knows.”

I take a deep breath, inhaling his cologne and allowing it to calm me down, but the glaring truth is staring me in the face.

Sophia didn’t kill herself to get away from Mikhail. Someone killed her before she could marry him.

“Do you think she was murdered because she was about to marry you?” I ask, my head still on his chest. “Was someone against the marriage?”

He chuckles, a deep throaty sound that reverberates through me. “I think it would be better to ask who was for it. You might have a solid number then.”

I turn my head to look up at him with narrowed eyes. “That many?”

“Peace between the Bratva and Cosa Nostra? Why would our enemies want that and risk a bigger threat?” he says, then he cocks his head to the side. “Although I do need you to stay out of the public eye until this is sorted.”

I step away from him. “What? Why? I have a dinner gala tomorrow night with Mr Orlov. Remember, you said you’re not able to come with me.”

He winces as if he just remembered the conversation, then he breathes out a sigh. “Fine, but I’ll be adding Max and Leandro to your security. I can’t risk anything happening to you when I’m not around,” he says, and my heart can’t help but warm at this.

I slip my arms around his neck and kiss his lips gently. “Thank you, babe,” I say and he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. He seems to love when I call him nicknames, and I’m all too happy to oblige.

Once I called him ‘Daddy’ and he fucked me on the kitchen counter while I was busy making breakfast. Yeah, I haven’t done that since.

We break apart and continue to get ready, and when I turn my back to him to grab heels, he suddenly approaches me.