Page 88 of Blood Bound

“You’ve been in contact with them.” It’s not a question, but I nod.

“The second I took over as DA, I paid them a visit. They’ve been waiting for me to take over as King so we can plan the destruction of the council from the inside. And don’t pout like that, Cezar, no one was supposed to know about this.” I say, rolling my eyes when I see the offended look in his eyes.

“Fucking hate it when you call me by my given name,” he grumbles, crossing his arms. “Go ahead. I’ll wait until you’re done.”

I chuckle and dial the first number, knowing he’s probably waiting by the phone as we speak. And what do you know, he answers on the first ring.


“Petrov, good to know this number is still working. Do you have a minute?”

“If it concerns the council’s downfall, I have all the time in the fucking world.”

Gustav Petrov - the Russian Pureblood older than Kazimir and twice as deadly.

The Vasile twins took out his entire family when they stood up to the council along with my family, and were rumored to have all been eliminated. But my father saved Gustav’s life.

Kazimir does not know this.

I kill the call after arranging for him to come into town within the next few days before looking down at the other number I’m about to call.

“Here I go, inviting Terror into my town,” I chuckle and dial the number.

“Didn’t think we’d hear from you for at least three more months, mate,” the obnoxious voice of Aiden Teague comes through the other end and I hear his brother chuckle.

“Rubbish, you wagered he’d call right after the council found out that his bird is a hunter,” Aaron’s voice is just as grating as his brother's, but I know them well enough to realize it’s all a ruse.

Aaron and Aiden Teague - English Purebloods with a similar story to Gustav Petrov.

Only Kazimir and the Principes didn’t just kill their families. He forced Aaron to choose between who gets to live and who gets to die. He naturally chose his twin brother, and my father saved them both just as Kazimir was about to make the two of them walk out into the sunlight.

They’re also known as the Terror Twins for the methods they used to kill when they helped me obliterate an entire Pureblood family line who helped Kazimir.

“If the two of you are done dicking around, let me know when you have time to spare. I have the council in my crosshairs and I’m itching to start a war,”

Laughter from the other end. “Brilliant; sign us up for some slaughter. Place and time and we’ll be there.” Aiden says and I give them times and locations before killing the call and sitting back in my office chair.

Valentine shakes his head and hands me a tumbler with bourbon. “You’re fucking insane for doing this,” he chuckles and takes a seat opposite me.

“If anyone is going to start a war with the council, it's me. The Preutescus were the first ones to stand up against them, and we‘ll be the ones to eliminate them.” I say, slamming my glass down. “Why do we need to be governed? Why do we need self-proclaimed kings to lead us when we have a Goddess? They will all pay for their sins, and Kazimir will be the last one to die.”

Valentine sits forward and sighs again, handing me the bottle. He’s been acting odd since I returned and I wonder what the hell is up with him. I’m sure if he wanted me to know, he would tell me, but knowing him, he’ll come clean when—

“I fucked Amara,” he blurts out, and I nearly drop the alcohol I was pouring into my tumbler. My eyes widen when I realize that the odd, guilty look on his face was because he fucked that wench.

“Excuse the fuck out of me?”

He groans and hangs his head in his hands.

“It shouldn’t have happened, okay?! We were fighting because of her going to the council, having a screaming match and the next thing I know I'm balls deep, fucking her. It was a mistake, Gabe!”

I scoff and shoot my best friend an incredulous look. “So you had a hate fuck,”

“Yeah,” he chokes out.

“Was it any good?”

His head whips up, and he narrows his eyes at me. “What the fuck, Gabe?”