Page 89 of Blood Bound

“I want to know if it was any good,” I shrug, trying not to burst out laughing.

He groans. “The best pussy I’ve had in a long time, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s a fucking bitch who needs to die for allowing you to get captured!” He says, trying to change the fact that he more than enjoyed fucking Amara.

“I’m sorry, Gabe,”

I dismiss it with a wave. “Whatever; if you enjoyed the hate fuck, then you enjoyed it. Sweep it under the rug and find someone else to occupy your time with.”

He nods, taking the bottle from me and looking nervous as fuck. “So you’re not pissed off with me?”

“Why would I be pissed off that you fucked that wench? She’s about to be taken away in any case, so let bygones be bygones.” I shrug, holding out my glass in a toast, then downing it all and getting to my feet. “For now, my woman needs me, so I’ll see you when I get rid of this fucking jet lag.”

I walk out of my office and make my way to the bedroom just as Xenia leaves. They look up at me and nod, but they don't look me in the eye. I’m guessing Katherine told them about what happened.

When I open the bedroom door and my eyes fall on her, all the worries seem to seep out of my bones and I know that whatever I am doing is right. I would die for this woman. I would give my last fucking breath for her.

But first I need to restore her honor by going to war in her name.


It’s been three days and I can still feel Kazimir’s hands all over my body. I try to brush it off when everyone asks how I’m doing, try to make it seem like it’s not affecting me; when in all honesty it feels like I’m slowly being eaten alive.

Gabriel has been nothing but sweet and caring; taking care of me and loving me right through it all. I wake up and he’s holding me. I go to sleep, and he's holding me… all this love and I still feel Kazimir’s touch.

My bedroom door opens and Xenia walks in with the same concerned expression as before.

She blames everything on Gabriel, even though I told her it's not his fault at all. When a vampire sleeps, nothing will wake him until the sun goes down - it’s like a literal hibernation.

“Kat, please talk to me,” she says, walking over to where I’m standing at the window. “You haven’t left this room since you came back from Germany, and you keep saying you’re fine when we all can see you’re not.”

I sigh. “You guys have been talking about me, then?” The words sound harsher coming out than I intended, and I see a flash of hurt in Xenia’s eyes.

“Yes, we have been talking about you, it’s only because we care, Kat. We want to be able to help you, but you’re pushing us all away.” She says and tries to take my hand, but I pull it out of her grasp.

“Can you make me forget about what happened?” I ask, turning towards her and glaring. “Can you take away that helpless feeling curling in the pit of my stomach?”

She takes a tentative step back. “Kat—”

“Can you stop my mind from imagining his hands still gripping me? Can you stop the nightmares plaguing me? Nightmares I have to endure to the fullest because I can’t wake up!”

The venom in my words and the way I’m advancing toward her has her stepping backward and getting into a defensive stance. I know that I’m pushing it, and I know she doesn’t mean any harm, but I can’t help the anger and shame bubbling to the surface.

“And not only did he take away my ability to defend myself, but he took away the happiness I should be feeling right now! I’m finally with Gabriel, we’ve Entwined and I’m pregnant with his child, yet all I feel is shame and disgust!”

The words I couldn’t utter before now all spill from my mouth like projectile vomit. All the shame of not being able to move while he touched me, the shame of not pushing him away due to fear. It feels like I’ve betrayed Gabriel in the worst way possible.

Tears well up in Xenia’s eyes and instead of running away from me, she walks towards me and engulfs me in an embrace. We sink to the floor and for the first time since I arrived here; I cry my heart out.

I hate feeling weak and helpless. That’s not any of the traits I like to associate myself with. I’ve killed more supernatural creatures than any hunter out there. I’ve walked into danger and walked out alive more times than I can count and yet something like this renders me silent.

It might have only been a touch, but it's crippled me with long-lasting fear.

“If you need to cry, then let it out; if you need to kill someone, then I’ll hunt with you. But don’t shut me out, Kat. We’ve been there for each other since we were kids and I’m not about to turn my back on you now.” She says while stroking my hair and allowing me to finally feel something in front of her.

“I know,” I murmur. “It’s just so hard admitting that you’re terrified when nothing has ever scared you before.”

“I tell you what’s scaring me right now,” she chuckles, letting go of me and placing her hands on my shoulders. “Is the fact that you’re fucking pregnant and didn’t even tell me!”

My eyes widen and my mouth opens slightly when she says this. “Didn’t I…”