
"Uncle! Uncle, I'm home!" Bethy called out, swinging the large wooden door open.

"This is not her home." Adriel heard Gavriel mumble under his breath.

Aiden patted his second in command on the back, and they walked into the opulent residence quarters for House Rioux.

"Bethy!" Magnus Rioux came barreling toward them, a huge smile on his face. He swept up his niece and swung her around as she laughed.

"Gods girl! I have missed you!" He peppered her face in kisses.

"And I've missed you!" Bethy laid her head on her uncle's shoulder.

Adriel smiled at the pair. Growing up, Bethy had spent more time with her uncle than with her fathers. The man spoiled her outrageously, but not with material things. He had spoiled her with attention and unconditional love.

Magnus set her down and kissed her cheek one last time.

"Where's Daddy and Papa?" she asked, looking around.

"We were not expecting you quite this early. I believe they are working on a surprise for you. I sent my secretary, Cheryl, to Broderick's lab to let them know you had arrived." Magnus kissed Bethy's temple.

Gavriel cleared his throat loudly.

Bethy shook her head. "I'm so sorry my love." She walked over and grabbed Gavriel by the arm before she dragged him over to her uncle. "Unky, this is my mate, Gavriel."

Magnus eyed Gavriel then grinned. "I know who the bastard is."

Gavriel rolled his eyes and extended his forearm. They clasped arms in a warrior's greeting before stepping back.

"She made it all the way through the city, and she is not bleeding. I commend you." Magnus said smiling.

"It was not easy," Gavriel admitted.

Magnus shook his head. "Tell me about it." He turned to Bethy. "Tarak and Kuruk GĂ©roux have insisted on being your guards again."

Bethy's eyes widened. "I thought you sent them to the Caribbean to recuperate after my last visit."

Magnus nodded. "I did, but when they caught wind you were returning, they made it back to the city in record time. They are adamant that no one except for them can keep you safe."

"It is true," a deep voice rumbled from the doorway.

"Tarak!" Bethy squealed and ran toward the huge vampire smiling at her.

She was almost to them when she clipped her shin on the coffee table and started to go down. Before Gavriel could react, both vampires had Bethy in their arms holding her above the floor.

She gave them a goofy grin. "Thanks!"

Kuruk shook his head and looked at Gavriel "She always seems to trip or fall at the exact same points throughout the city. If you stay close, we can teach you where they are."

Gavriel nodded with a tight smile. "Perhaps you can let her go now?"

Meryn giggled and poked Gavriel in the ribs. "Your eye is twitching."

Tarak chuckled. "No need to get riled up, Your Highness; we have been watching over Bethy since before she could walk. Kuruk and I would rotate with a witch healer to keep her safe."

Kuruk nodded, an absent look on his face. "Remember the time she almost suffocated in her crib by wrapping herself up like a burrito?"

Tarak shuddered. "Gods, yes. That was just the beginning."

Gavriel's eyes widened in surprise. "You have been with her that long?"

They both nodded.

Gavriel walked over and extended his arm to Tarak in greeting. He clasped arms with both of them. "Thank you. Thank you for keeping her alive."

The men exchanged looks, and each clapped a hand on Gavriel's shoulder. "We know your pain." The three of them seemed to share a moment.

"I'm right here!" Bethy exclaimed.

"Now, now angel, you know they are not exaggerating." Magnus wrapped an arm around Bethy's shoulders.

"It's embarrassing," she admitted.

"They love you. They've watched after you since you were a baby. That's not embarrassing," Meryn said quietly.

Bethy stepped away from her uncle and pulled Meryn into a hug. "You have us now."

Meryn nodded then turned her attention to Magnus. "Yeah, the human runt is here."

Magnus winced and then turned to Micah who nodded. Micah began whispering a spell. "Tarak, the door."

Tarak walked over and closed the door as Micah was finishing the soundproofing spell.

Meryn crossed her arms. "Okay, spill it. What in the hell is going on?"

The joy from Bethy's arrival seemed to drain out of Magnus. He looked at the group before turning to Aiden. "My people are disappearing."

Meryn sat down on one of the couches. "Well, fuck!"

Adriel couldn't have said it better himself.


"This sounds vaguely familiar," Ryuu murmured.

Aiden nodded then tuned to Magnus. "What have you heard about what happened in Lycaonia?"

Magnus shot a look to Meryn who crossed her eyes at him. He smiled. "I heard you are mated to a walking disaster who destroyed the city square and leveled the Council Manor."

Meryn gasped. "That's so not fair! Kendrick leveled the Council Manor; I just coated everything in flour glue."

Magnus continued. "I also heard that you started taking in paranormals around Lycaonia since it was not safe for single families to be alone, that they were being hunted down and killed by a new faction of ferals."

Aiden nodded. "Did you get the report on the necklaces?"