Magnus gave Gavriel a sly look. "If another royal were to return, prove his lineage, and take on the mantle of House Ambrosios in truth instead of name only, our Houses united could sway many of the fence sitters."

Gavriel sighed and shook his head. "You know why I cannot. I do not want the responsibility that my position would demand. I am dedicated to serving in the Alpha Unit. My home"--he looked down at his mate--"our home is in Lycaonia."

Adriel eyed the large vampire closely. He had never gotten an explanation or proof from his prince as to why Gavriel was who he claimed to be and why he was allowed to claim the name of Ambrosios. "You cannot prove you're a royal, can you?"

Gavriel simply shrugged. "It is a moot point."

Magnus turned to Aiden. "In that case, I will need your support and the support of the units. The council here backs my lead, but some of the Founding Families, and through them the Nobles, do not. I would like to declare a state of emergency and call my children home. I would also like to open the city to any paranormal in the area who needs refuge."

Aiden frowned. "Why wouldn't the Founding Families support that?"

Behind them Declan barked his laughter. "Because sir, the prince wants to open up the city to any local paranormal, not just vampires. The locals do not want to sully their precious city with shifters." Declan sounded bitter.

Aiden's expression turned frosty. "Is that so?"

Magnus nodded. "I hate to admit it, but they would probably protest younger vampires with mixed bloodlines as well. It is why I had to get you here. They will hate having shifters here, but they will not dare speak against it while you are in the city."

"Why me? I'm not a vampire?" Aiden asked.

Declan, Etain, and Micah chuckled.

Adriel just started at his commander. "Are you serious, sir?"

Gavriel smirked. "Aiden, I keep telling you that you are popular; you do not listen."

Tarak stepped forward. "Your Highness, if I may?"

Magnus nodded smiling.

Tarak turned to Aiden. "Sir, you have had sway over the Founding Families since the day you brought back the bodies of the murdered Alpha Unit to Lycaonia, nearly six hundred years ago. Jean-Marc GĂ©roux, my uncle, was very much beloved here in the city. When his final words pledging his loyalty to you reached us here in Noctem Falls, along with the story of what you had done, every single member of the Founding Families swore to support your position as Unit Commander in his place. They recognized that if you risked your own life to bring Jean-Marc home, we could do no less than honor his wishes to respect your authority. You may not hold the rank of a Founding Family member in their eyes, but they will respect your orders. To do otherwise would bring dishonor on their Houses and their names. They would never deny your request for assistance in saving shifters when you have done so much to save our kind." Tarak placed his fist over his heart and bowed, his brother bowed beside him.

"Now do you see why I needed you here?" Magnus asked.

Aiden blinked in astonishment. "I only did what any warrior would do."

Tarak grinned at him. "It is also because you honestly believe that, that so many follow you without question."

Bethy turned to Tarak. "Is that why you volunteered to guard me? Because I was a shifter needing to be saved?"

Kuruk nodded then laughed. "That and you were the cutest little thing we had ever seen. You have to remember Bethy, we do not get many babies in the City of the Night. You have had most of the city wrapped around your finger since you were a toddler."

Aiden strummed his fingers on the chair arm. "What exactly do you need me to do?"

Magnus's face lit up. "Just support my decision in opening up the city. Make it known that you are counting on the citizens of Noctem Falls to help save your people, and possibly have dinner with two or three Founding Families. A week of your time, two tops. By then, having shifters and witches in the city will be an everyday occurrence." His face softened. "They are not a bad bunch, Aiden. Old fashioned, stuck in their ways, but they are not bad. If I have to use you to make it fashionable to assist shifters, I will. At the end of the day, they will do the right thing. I have to believe that."

Aiden looked down at his mate. "Just two weeks. I'd like to get Meryn back home as soon as possible."

"Whoo hoo! Vacation!" Meryn threw her tiny arm in the air.

Bethy looked from Meryn over to Adriel then at her Uncle. "Oh dear."

It was just one tiny human, what trouble could she possibly cause?


Adriel stood in the back of the large meeting hall where members of the Founding and Noble Families gathered to hear Aiden's speech informing them of the new dangers the ferals posed and asking for their support in opening up the city to save as many paranormal lives as possible.

In every word, Adriel could hear Bethy's influence. She, more than most, understood the politics of their city. Aiden had proven his leadership skills when he asked for her assistance in writing the speech. Very few people with power ever realize that they aren't all-knowing and all-powerful. For Aiden to have learned that lesson at such a young age gave Adriel hope for their future.

Grant leaned in on his left. "So you are getting a mate huh?"

On either side of Adriel, all thirty members of Noctem Falls six units lined the back and side walls of the room, lending their support to not only their Unit Commander, but also to their prince.