Eva frowned. "I did?"

"Yeah. Do you remember shifting to tiger and getting between a coyote pack and two wolf pups?"

Eva's mouth dropped. "That was you two?"

"Yup. From then on out, to him, you were his big sister, his Eva." Jorge tilted his beer toward the crowd pointing to where Stefan was throwing kids in the air and making them squeal.

Eva felt her cheeks blaze. "Silly pups."

Jorge gave her a look full of love. "Don't think I don't know it was you that fought those ferals in the desert, giving me time to get Josie to safety. You're my big sister too. We won't rest until the son of a bitch that hurt you is dead at our feet," he vowed.

"Can't you just name your pup after me," she countered. She really didn't want to worry about Jorge and Stefan in the bowels of the city.

Jorge threw back his head and laughed. "Hell no! There's only one Eva Mae."

"I could not have said it better myself," a sexy voice agreed.

"Love you too," Eva pursed her lips and wasn't disappointed. Adriel leaned down and kissed her thoroughly. After nearly dying, they never passed up a chance to show affection.

"Do you have a moment? Gavriel, Beth, Meryn, and Aiden are waiting for us. Evidently, I have a story to tell." He held out his hand and helped her stand.

"For you, anything." She leaned in and kissed his jaw.

Adriel inclined his head to Jorge and led her toward the transport tunnel. Eva saw everyone waiting for them at the launching platform. They had just reached the group when a man stepped in front of them.

"Eva wasn't it? So sorry to hear of your ordeal. How dreadful it must have been to be chewed up like that!" Ivan DeLaFontaine smiled, his eyes dancing with glee.

"Well bless your heart," she said, smiling back.

"I know what that means. That's southern for 'fuck you'," Meryn chirped, popping up next to her.

Ivan's smile cracked a bit. "And there's the commander's midget. Haven't they taught you not to speak until spoken to, little girl?" he asked Meryn condescendingly.

Eva just started to laugh. "You poor bastard." Shaking her head, she smiled up at him.

"This. Is. Sparta!" Meryn yelled.

Without a second thought, Eva pivoted on her foot and roundhouse kicked him in the chest. Just like the tunnel escort, he flew back into the tunnel. Grinning, Ryuu snapped his fingers, and Ivan convulsed as blue electricity raced over his body before he dropped from sight. Wolf howls and piercing whistles from the vampires exploded from behind them. Cheers and laughter erupted as the refugees chanted her name.

"Eva! Eva! Eva!"

Aiden, Adriel, and Gavriel grinned proudly.

Beth laughed. "I shouldn't be laughing, but I've wanted to do that for decades! Oh Meryn, you're a delight!" Beth kissed the top of Meryn's head. She turned to her. "How did you know the net was replaced?"

Eva blinked. "The net was replaced?"

"She's the awesome one! Did you see that kick! POW!" Meryn took a defensive stance and karate chopped an imaginary board.

"It will be worth the headache later, placating the DeLaFontaine family." Beth looped her arms though Eva's. "The kick was impressive."

Eva waved at her idiotic pack and turned to her mate. "Sorry about that."

Adriel shrugged. "I am not."

Meryn swaggered up to her mate. "There's a new sheriff in town, partner."

Gavriel wrapped an arm around Beth. "Ladies, I do believe that Sebastian has some special treats made for us, at my request." He winked at Meryn.

"Treats? Magic pudding?" Meryn hopped into the tunnel and dropped out of sight.

"Meryn!" Aiden screamed, racing to the edge. Meryn floated up and stopped at the entrance.

Eva turned to Beth. "She forgot to tell him about the stones?" she asked casually.

"I would say that's a safe assumption."

Aiden pulled a floating Meryn into his arms and refused to let go. "Ai-den! It's not like Ryuu would let me drop." Meryn wiggled until he let go. "The twins gave me this cool stone so I don't have to have an escort anymore."

Aiden turned to Adriel. "Was that wise?"

Adriel grimaced. "Too late now, I suppose."

"Meryn, what word did they choose for pause?" Eva asked.

"Spatium," Meryn said.


Ryuu stepped into the tunnel to stand in mid-air beside Meryn. Gavriel escorted Beth. Adriel looked between her and his commander. She held up her stone. "Never leave home without it," she winked.

Adriel escorted Aiden down while she and Meryn played with the different commands. Once on Level One, Beth tapped her lips. "I wonder if the twins could make me one."

"Probably, though they have to make sure that they don't have any major magic lined up. I heard it wipes them," Meryn informed her sister.

Sebastian held the door open for them. "My prince is waiting for you in the dining room."

When Eva reached for her mate's hand, she was surprised to discover it trembled slightly. She let the others walk ahead of them. Once they were out of sight in the dining room, she raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head. Nervous, he mouthed.

She leaned in and rested her lips against his. He responded by rubbing their noses together.

"Come on." She lifted his hand up in hers and kissed it.