"Right, super squire, got it." Meryn looked up and squinted at the sun. "Feels so good."

Eva had to agree. Her tiger was already wrestling for control; it wanted out to sunbathe. She looked around; it was only Ryuu and Meryn. Shrugging, she stripped out of her clothes and shifted.

"Holy fuck! You're, like, huge!" Meryn said, climbing up on a rock. "Don't eat me, okay?"

She chuffed and licked the side of Meryn's face, causing her to giggle. She easily vaulted up on to the large rock and got comfortable. Meryn seemed just as happy to lie in the sun.

Eva opened one eye and watched Ryuu pick up her discarded clothes then fold them neatly. She sighed and closed her eyes again.

She lost track of time as she dozed happily in the sun. It wasn't until Ryuu walked over to them that she realized how much the sun had moved overhead.

"Denka, it's been over an hour, and you're starting to turn bright pink. I think it best if we headed inside now."

"Five more minutes. There are no walls. I've missed the sun and wind," Meryn mumbled, half asleep.

Eva touched her nose to Meryn's cheek. Ryuu was right; she was getting toasted. Carefully, she used her teeth to grab ahold of Meryn's collar. She stood, lifting her off the rock. She hopped down and trotted to the edge.

Ryuu bowed. "My thanks."

Meryn yawned. "Can I ride you next time? You can be my battle cat! That would be so cool!" Meryn giggled when Eva swung her from side to side.

When Warrick opened the door for them, his eyes widened. "Everything all right?"

"Yup, we're cool." Meryn gave him a thumbs up as Eva carried her through the level.

Stefan stopped what he was doing and cracked up. "You're in trouble now, Meryn. Once Eva's tiger considers you her cub, you're her cub for life."

"Really?" Meryn asked.

Stefan waved them on. "Good luck."

Adriel and Aiden walked over. "We were about to head down for a break before another meeting. Care to join us?" Adriel offered.

Without answering, Eva carried Meryn to the tunnel and jumped. True to his word, Ryuu, without prompting, lowered them down to Level One. Adriel escorted Aiden behind them.

When she approached the door, she hesitated. How would she open it with no hands? Adriel stepped in front of her and opened the door. "There you go love."

Eva carried Meryn into the prince's home, not stopping until they were in the private room assigned to Meryn and Aiden.

"Eva, what are you doing? The sitting room is that-a-way." Meryn pointed the opposite direction.

Eva jumped, with Meryn, onto the bed and set her down.

"Eva, I'm not tired," Meryn argued before a huge yawn caught her.

Eva was in full agreement with her tiger. It was definitely nap time. She pulled Meryn between her paws and began to groom her.

"Seriously!" Meryn exclaimed, trying to get away.

Gently, Eva rolled Meryn backward with the pads of her paws and continued licking her.

"This is ridiculous! Adriel, get your mate." Meryn yawned again.

Adriel was about to step forward when Aiden grabbed his arm. "Wait a moment."

Eva licked her one last time then nudged her down with her nose.

Meryn complied. "I'm not even tired."

Eva ignored her and began to purr.

"I'm..." Meryn yawned again. "I'm fine." She snuggled in close to her, and Eva continued to purr. After a couple minutes, her breathing evened out, and she was asleep.

"Eva, please, I beg you, let her sleep. It's the first time she's slept in days," Aiden implored.

Eva opened one eye and yawned before resting her chin on her paws. Of course, she would let the cub sleep.

"Come on, Commander, looks like we are not needed here," Adriel said, holding the door open for Aiden.

"Thank you," Aiden whispered.

They closed the door and Eva sighed happily. She got to doze in the sun, and the cub was sleeping, everything was right in her world.


Eva woke up and looked around. Meryn was still sleeping next to her. Carefully, she moved away from her and jumped down off the bed. She shifted back to human and looked around. Thankfully, Ryuu had placed her clothes on the chair in the corner.

She was just finishing up buttoning her shirt when Meryn woke up. Bleary eyed, she sat up and yawned.

"That was awesome sleep." With eyes still half closed, she rolled out of bed and stood, swaying a bit.

Eva bit her lip. On one side of Meryn's head, her hair was sticking straight up from where she had groomed her before their nap. She was about to say something then shrugged. She'd find out soon enough.

Meryn waited for Eva to steer her out of the room and toward the living area. When she heard voices coming from the dining room, she changed directions and headed that way instead.

When they walked in, Beth's eyes widened. "Oh dear."

Aiden had a huge grin on his face. "Did you get a good nap in?" Aiden's eyes softened when Meryn trudged over and climbed into his lap. Still smiling, he did his best to flatten her hair.

"Best sleep in days. Coffee," Meryn said shortly.

Eva walked around the table and sat down next to her mate. There was a tightness around his eyes that she didn't like. "What?"

He looked startled then smiled. "You already know me so well." He looked at the table. "Why not grab something to eat."

It must be bad if he wants me to eat first. Eva stood and grabbed a couple sandwiches that were on one of the platters in the middle of the table. "Eating, see. Now talk."