Eva rubbed his back. "You did just fine."

"That was awesome," Nigel said, and Neil nodded his agreement.

Beth sighed and watched Ivan from afar. "He's up to something. He knows I hate his guts. I wonder why he wanted to hug me."

"I wasn't going to give him the chance." Meryn said.

Beth smiled at her sister. "What would I do without you?"

"Hug assholes," Meryn said bluntly.

"Maybe," Beth agreed.

"Meryn, if you need help, my pack is keeping an eye out for you. You can go to any of them, at any time." Stefan said, his eyes following Ivan until he dropped from sight down the transport tunnel.

Meryn blinked. "Thanks, but why?"

Stefan turned and saw everyone was staring at him in question. He shrugged. "No idea. You're mated to a shifter, so I guess I feel like I should watch after you. Plus, you're just a baby! You shouldn't have to face all of this craziness."

Meryn rolled her eyes. "I'm not a baby." She turned to Ryuu. "Lunches."

Ryuu stepped forward and unzipped the large cooler. He pulled out two large bag lunches and handed them to the twins. "My denka says you will need to keep up your strength as you are the ones doing the most magic." He handed each twin a bag lunch.

They stood there frozen in shock. "No one's ever made us lunch before."

Meryn nodded. "Me either, until Ryuu. It's kinda cool not having hot pockets all the time."

Nigel and Neil broke out into wide smiles. They both crowded around Meryn, each kissing her on the cheek. She giggled and shooed them away. "Go have fun making houses." She pointed to where Micah waited.

"We will," Neil said.

"Aren't you going to tell us to stay out of trouble?" Nigel asked, grinning wickedly.

Meryn laughed. "I did say have fun, didn't I?"

Laughing, the two ran off to get started.

"If they start creating rainbow colored houses, I will blame you," Adriel warned.

Beth slapped at his arm playfully. "They'll be fine. I'll try to curb their enthusiasm." She ruffled Meryn's hair. "Be good."

"Whatever," Meryn said.

Adriel turned to Eva. "Be good."

"Sure thing, darlin'."

Adriel shook his head, chuckling. He and Beth walked over to help keep everyone on track.

Meryn looked up at her. "So."


"I'm bored."

"Gods forbid," Eva teased.

Meryn's face became pinched. "I feel trapped."

Eva nodded. She knew exactly what Meryn was referring to. The city with its uniform stone made Eva feel like the walls were closing in. She looked back to the transport tunnel. "Ryuu, you can fly right?"

"Yes, of course."

"And you're also Meryn's bodyguard in a sense?"


"So between the two of us, we should be able to keep her safe."

Ryuu's eyes narrowed. "I believe we could, why?"

Eva turned to Meryn. "Feel like going topside?"

Meryn practically squealed. "Yes!" She turned to Ryuu. "Oh, please!" She clasped her hands in front of her, begging.

Ryuu sighed. "How could I say no to that?"

"Yes!" Meryn pumped her arm in the air.

Eva had to admit she was excited too. Between the two of them, they practically dragged Ryuu to the transport tunnel. They wove their way between cots and tents of the refugees and headed to the Ledge.

When they got there, Warrick DuBois greeted them.

"Holy shit! What do they feed you?" Meryn exclaimed.

Warrick blinked then laughed. He practically had to bend in half to get down to Meryn's level. "You must be the commander's mate, Meryn. Nice to meet you. I am Warrick DuBois."

Meryn took a step back. "Are you related to that douchebag Andre?"

Warrick stood, his face pulled tight in anger. "What has that insufferable ass done now?"

Meryn pulled up her sleeve and showed him the bruise. Warrick inhaled sharply. "I am so sorry he put his hands on you. He is my cousin, and unfortunately, he takes after my uncle instead of my sweet aunt. I swear to you that he will never do such a thing again."

"It's cool; you can't pick your family." Meryn shrugged and lowered her sleeve.

"Where were the two of you ladies headed?" he asked.

"We're just heading to the surface for a bit. Feeling kinda claustrophobic down here," Eva answered.

Warrick nodded. "I have heard shifters, witches, and especially fae say the same thing after being transferred here. Just be careful, any sign of trouble, get back down here. I will check on you in an hour or so," he promised.

"Thanks." Meryn went to the door and pushed, nothing happened. "Is there a spell on it or something?"

Warrick shook his head, fighting a grin. "It is just a bit heavy." He easily swung it open for them.

"Being little sucks," Meryn growled and walked out.

Warrick winked at Eva. "Have fun."


Ryuu easily lifted them out of the canyon to the edge where the desert began. "Stay close, if there's any hint of danger, jump into the canyon," he instructed.

Meryn looked down at the drop. "What if you aren't paying attention?"

Ryuu continued to stare at her without answering.