"Is getting attacked by ferals so commonplace where you're from that you're this blasé about it?"

Meryn nodded. "Well... yeah. I've been attacked by ferals..." she scrunched up her nose. "Personally, I think it's been twice. Then they attacked the city; that's when I got in trouble for coating Lycaonia's city square in flour glue. But in my defense, it was the only way to see the invisible bastards."

Eva and Micah exchanged shocked expressions. She turned back to Meryn. "You're actually serious. How did you survive?"

"This first time, my sprite friend went for help, then Aiden went all shifter Hulk version and Loki'd the feral's ass. Whap, whap." Meryn mimed slamming something around. "The second time, my minion Wheels used a fireball spell to keep a feral from coming into the house. That was when Gavriel became super vampire. He was ripping out the feral's arms then beating them to death with them." When Sebastian came back, pushing a cart, her face lit up. "Magic pudding!"

Eva saw how Meryn's words pleased Sebastian. "It is just a simple recipe, little one," he refuted, serving her a huge helping. He turned to Eva holding a bowl. "Would you like to try some?"

She nodded. "Yes, thank you." When Ryuu walked around a moment later with a jasmine scented green tea, she knew she had died and gone to heaven. She could get used to being served like this. "Later, you'll have to tell me about your shifter Hulk version, minions, super vampires, and Wheels."

Sebastian handed Micah a bowl and they all dug in.

Meryn laughed and nodded.

Behind them, the door opened then closed as Adriel walked into the room. He smiled. "Am I in time for pudding?"

Micah stood and Adriel waved at him to sit back down.

Sebastian nodded and scooped out another serving.

Adriel pointed to the door. "Why is there a tunnel escort in the net screaming obscenities?"

Meryn didn't even look up from her laptop. "Douchebag."

"Ah. I see." Adriel walked over to Eva. She was about to scoot over more, to make room when he shook his head. "Stay comfortable. I learned later that you were one of the first brought in due to injuries. Are you well?" He sat next to her on the sofa. Though his words were spoken in a cool, casual manner, when he took her free hand in his, she could feel his heartbeat racing. He must have come directly to her after learning she had been hurt.

"I'm doing right fine. I have pudding and tea; I couldn't be happier." He simply nodded without saying a word, but his heart rate began to slow.

"Right fine," Meryn snickered.

"You makin' fun a me?" Eva drawled deliberately.

Meryn laughed. "I like the way you talk."

The door opened and closed again. This time Magnus, Aiden, Gavriel, and Beth walked in with Tarak behind them.

Magnus pointed to the door. "Why is there a screaming man in the net?"

"Douchebag," Meryn answered again.

"Ah." Magnus collapsed into an oversized chair and exhaled. He looked at the coffee table excitedly. "We are having pudding?"

Eva turned her head so the prince of all vampires didn't see her smile at his question. Man screaming in a net, helpless. No worries. Pudding? Stop the presses.

Aiden eyed Ryuu. "Why is he glowing blue?"

Ryuu gave a delicate shrug. "He was disrespectful to my denka."

Aiden turned as if to head back out. "Oh, he was, was he?"

"Aiden, need cuddles," Meryn said.

The Unit Commander did an about face and walked back over to the recliner. He scooped up his mate and sat down, putting her in his lap. He ran his chin over her head. Meryn hadn't even looked up from her laptop. Never before had Eva seen anyone so in tune with their mate. Meryn knew exactly what Aiden needed, and without giving it a second thought, gave it to him. Meryn yawned but kept typing.

Aiden nuzzled the back of her neck. "Do you need to rest?"

Meryn stopped typing and leaned back against her mate. "It won't do any good."

Aiden looked around the room. "She had a hard time sleeping last night."

Sebastian turned to them. "Do you require anything? New linens, more pillows, blankets, maybe a fan?" he suggested.

"More like a pint of Nyquil and a fifth of vodka," Meryn yawned.

Ryuu put down the tea pot and walked over to take her wrist. "You need to rest, denka; your body needs it, the baby as well."

Meryn nodded and pulled her wrist free. "It's not that easy you know. I can't seem to get comfortable." She looked over the top of her laptop. "Sebastian has ordered some computer equipment for me. I have a theory on how I can get Wi-Fi and cell service in the city. I'm just waiting on an okay from Queen Aleksandra to have Etain put my master plan into action. In the meantime, if you give me your email address, I'll send you a map of the city. I digitized the one Beth gave me."

Beth chuckled. "Of course you did. When did you contact Queen Aleksandra?" She dug into her bowl of pudding.

"I didn't, but I had Amelia reach out to her since she's met her."

"Makes sense."

Eva felt her head begin to swim. "You know the Queen of the Fae?" She looked around. It dawned on her that she was casually eating pudding with the Prince of the Vampires. Who were these people?

Beth turned to her. "We haven't been introduced. My name is Elizabeth Monroe; this is my mate Gavriel Ambrosios. Magnus Rioux is my uncle and leader here in Noctem Falls. The tall warrior behind me is my guard Tarak, and the large man cuddling Meryn is Aiden McKenzie. I'm assuming since you came down with Meryn you have already met Ryuu, Sebastian and Micah." Eva noticed that Beth was staring at where her hand was joined with Adriel's.