Fortunately, neither Natalie nor I were attracted to each other in a fundamental way, and even if there was a tiny spark during one of our more active sessions, we never, ever allowed our emotions to spill out during those more intense moments. She’d had her heart set on Bernard… they’d only started dating when we went on our two-week sex binge. We had a strict rule for those weeks—no emotions involved, and no one could know, especially not her brother, Cody. By the time we parted company, I’d learned a few more things about a woman’s needs and how to satisfy those needs than I did when we started, and she learned everything she’d wanted to know to enjoy an intense and powerful sex life.
Bernie was one lucky dude, and he fucking knew it. No way would he walk away now, despite his fucking overwhelming nerves. Not when he knew he had a siren in his bed.
Now, all I had to do was convince Natalie she not only owned his heart, but she owned his dick as well. Owning a guy’s dick meant you pretty much owned all of him. Men were easy. Own his dick, and you owned his life.
As soon as I walked up to the closed door, I knew I had to get inside that room and get rid of Natalie’s parents if this would ever work. They couldn’t hear what I wanted to say.
I waved back to Emily to enlist her help with the parents.
“You’ve got to come out, sweetheart,” Natalie’s father begged from outside the closed door. “If for no other reason than to let me know you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. Now, please go away!” Natalie yelled from the other side of the locked door.
“You know what?” Emily began as she approached. “It would really help if you two could go back into the chapel and tell everyone that our Natalie needs a few more minutes.”
“I heard that, and I’m not coming out, ever!” Natalie countered, and I could picture her in that room, her arms crossed, pacing, wondering what to do next.
“But…” her mom began. “They’re waiting!”
Martha Days and Natalie Days resembled each other not only in facial structure, eye color, and height, but their mannerisms were identical. For example, Martha’s arms were crossed over her chest, and her hands held onto her upper arms. Exactly the pose I knew Natalie had taken on the other side of the door. Sam Days, Natalie’s dad, however, had shared no physical traits, but their temperaments were identical. Once Don was on a path to learn something new, he didn’t stop until he mastered it.
A trait that Natalie had in spades, thank you very much.
Emily motioned for them to hush by placing her index finger in front of her lips… her intoxicating, full, kissable lips. She wore a blush-colored lip gloss today that drew my attention right to them, and I couldn’t even admit where I pictured that mouth of hers on my body.
I immediately told myself to turn it off and concentrate on the task at hand: getting Natalie to open the fucking door.
As soon as Emily successfully guided the distraught parents away and escorted them back to the chapel, I softly rapped on the door.
“Natalie, it’s me, Dustin. I want to help.”
“What does that mean?” she asked after a few moments of silence. “How? Because if you’re here to lure me out of this room, to walk down that aisle, it’s not going to work.”
“I understand. I’ll help you do anything you want to do.” I needed her to trust me enough to open the door. That was the first step. I had to get in there. “Let me in, so we can strategize.”
More silence, then, magically, I heard the latch turn, and she opened the door, just a little at first. “Are you alone?”
“Fine. You can come in.”
As soon as the door opened and I walked in, Emily trotted in right behind me.
“You lied!” Natalie accused, her voice raspy from yelling through the heavy door. “I don’t want to see her, especially not… her!”
“I didn’t lie. She wasn’t there when I asked you to open the door.” I had to get her to believe me. This day depended on it.
“Fine, but I don’t want to talk to her.” She slammed the door shut behind Emily. “I’ve seen enough of Emily Jennings for one day… for an entire year, or even longer.”
“I’m right here, Natalie. Please don’t refer to me like I’m not in the room. If this is about last night, I’m sorry. Truth is, nothing happened between your brother and me. A few kisses, but that’s it.”
“She has to go,” Natalie yelled.
“Now, calm down,” I told her wondering what really happened between Cody and Emily. Still, this wasn’t the time for speculation. Not when Natalie was in melt-down mode. “This is your big day. Everyone’s here, and you look beautiful. We’re here to help with anything you need.”
“Truly. I’m here to help,” Emily told her, but Natalie wanted nothing to do with her. “I’ll do anything you want me to do. If you want to jump out of this wedding, I’ll help, but whatever you do, remember that Bernard adores you.”
Emily tried to give her a hug, but Natalie wanted nothing to do with it and shrugged off Emily’s attempt at affection.