“Stop it!” Natalie said, raising her voice. “It wasn’t like that. Dusty or rather Dustin taught me things I would’ve never… I wanted Bernard to fall in love with me… all of me. There’s nothing wrong with learning how to use your body to satisfy a man. We go to school to learn how to knit, how to sing, how to write a story, do math, design houses, spaceships, make movies, what’s wrong with getting taught how to fuck… really fuck? There should be actual courses out there. How to give a killer blowjob. How to swallow without gagging. How to eat pussy. You know… all the basic kind of stuff and then some. I was lucky to find Dustin. He was exactly the teacher I needed. You might look into something like that sometime. Might help.”
Okay, part of me was getting turned on with all of this. While the other part of me hated that she knew how pathetic my love life had been.
I mean, was Dusty so good that he could teach this stuff? And what kind of intense stuff were we talking about?
My mind raced with more dirty thoughts than I should be having while trying to convince a bride to marry the groom, who wasn’t the guy in the room she was clinging to, but these were unusual circumstances.
Still, as I pictured Dustin naked with a thick, heavy hard on, standing in front of a blackboard that listed the next sex act, I couldn’t help but widen my grin. This shit was way over the top, even for Natalie.
And I was getting way off track.
“What does Bernard think about all of your hands-on sex lessons?” I asked.
“He doesn’t know,” Natalie said, looking a bit panicked. “I told him about my past lovers and what I learned. I simply never mentioned any names.”
“And Cody? Does he know you were banging his sister?” I asked Dustin, who couldn’t keep a straight face no matter how hard he tried. He had that cat-who-ate-the-canary look, and it was killing me.
“Like Natalie said, it isn’t anything Cody needs to know,” he assured me, while Natalie finally let go of her six-foot-four nipple and walked back over to the free-standing, full-sized mirror and smeared on more soft-pink lipstick, then dusted her nose with powder. I could tell our discussion now bored her, and she was primping for the actual wedding. Whatever self-doubt had mucked up her thinking, had obviously been squelched by the conversation, but I was still angry.
“Oh, right. You were teaching her how to suck dick,” I spat out, not afraid to show my dismay with the entire thing. “A totally instructional affair.”
“It was just sex, Emily,” Dustin said, trying to convince me that sex and emotions didn’t have to comingle. “Nothing else.”
I wasn’t buying any of it. I’d never had sex that didn’t involve emotions, but then who knew? Maybe I was the odd one in the new order of things? Maybe I needed to hire Dustin as my teacher?
I suddenly wondered if any money changed hands, and if so, how much would someone pay for such intimate services? I was about to rudely ask the question when there was a knock on the door.
“What’s the dang hold up, Sis?” Cody asked through the closed door.
My heart skipped a beat, as Natalie turned to me with a stern look on her bridely face.
“Not a word,” she whispered, her jaw set, and her eyes narrow. “Not even a hint, or I will do everything in my power to break you.”
I could tell she meant every word, but the bitch didn’t scare me. I knew all her dirty little secrets now, and nothing would stop me if she kept up with this shit.
“Are you fucking threatening me?” I felt empowered and bold. She wouldn’t intimidate me. This thing she thought she had over me and her brother ended now.
“Damn straight,” she said and I couldn’t help but laugh right in her angry face as Dustin swung the door wide open. All I could think of was Cody’s arms wrapped around me while he sang the chorus to that song just last night.
And in the next moments, I walked right over to Cody and laid a hot kiss on him that could ignite the entire room. Then I turned back to Natalie and said, in a sugar sweet voice, “You ready, bestie?”
Cody, in the meantime, held onto my arm for a moment, as if he was trying to steady himself.
“Damn, woman! I don’t know what went on in that room, but I’m sure as hell glad it did,” he said, eyes blazing.
“I’ll tell you later,” I told him, loud enough for Natalie to hear.
Before she grabbed her bouquet, she gave me dagger eyes like I’d never seen before. I merely smiled back at her, unfazed. Then with a loud humph, she stomped past us and was instantly surrounded by her bridesmaids who’d been patiently waiting right outside the entranceway to the chapel.
I grabbed their bouquets and scurried out to hand them out, but not before Cody grabbed my hand and asked, “What’s going on?”
“Dusty here will tell you all about it,” I said, loud enough for Dustin to hear.
Dustin gazed down at the floor for a moment, shook his head, looked Cody in the eye, and said, “We need to talk.”
“Might be a good idea, but not now. Wedding’s about to start. Can it wait until after?”
Dustin glanced over at me. I grinned and nodded.