Page 87 of Dust and Ashes

“His designs are to throw me off my game,” Navarro said. “Ensure my focus is diverted from the shipment, and threaten those I care about.” Mostly she figured he cared about blood and money. And he probably saw power as equally valuable.

“What is it? Drugs?” She wanted to know what the shipment contained. “Because I’m not sure I care if you get that safely delivered back here.”

“Inside the truck is six million dollars.”

Kenna flinched. She had no filter right now—especially not on her expression—so why wouldn’t he be able to see her surprise. “You just keep that kind of cash lying around?”

“As if I have to explain my business model to you?”

Kenna shrugged. Maybe he should. She could tell the FBI, via Jax, and he could get the credit. They should do that. If Kenna ever got intel they’d need, she should have him turn it over. Be his confidential informant who gave great tips.

“The money will get where it’s going. Or your friends will be killed. This is your only priority for the next twelve hours.” Navarro waved, and two men stepped forward with guns. “Your friends will be escorted to my guest suite. You may join them shortly to…clean up before the job tonight.”

Kenna tried to get between the guy and Maizie. Stairns aided with covering her, but when one of the men pointed his gun at Stairns’ forehead, Maizie slipped between them.

“Lead the way.” Maizie lifted her chin and glanced back at Kenna with an expression very much like,I can do this.

Which was exactly what Kenna didn’t want. After everything she’d been through, Maizie shouldn’thaveto.

She stared at them as they left the room. “If there’s even one single scratch on them…”

“Yes, yes. Scorched earth. Biblical plagues.” Navarro strode to the wet bar and poured himself a drink. “Whiskey?”

She shook her head. “How about a knife?”

He tipped his head back and chuckled. “So you can stab me? Hardly.”

Kenna’s legs were about to give out. She slumped onto the couch as far from where he’d sat as possible and put her feet on the coffee table. The bottom of her foot smarted, but she didn’t bother looking.

Navarro strode over with his glass. He frowned at her foot. “Did you bleed on my carpet?”

She leaned over the end of the couch at the spot where she’d stood. “Looks like it.”

She’d been through so much stress the last few days, her body wanted to shut down. She was about to lose consciousness. That kind of nap left her dead to the world—which wasn’t good for needing to be aware of her surroundings. She wanted to go to the hospital where Jax was recovering, curl up in a chair beside him, and sleep as long as she could. If it wasn’t for the fact Maizie and Stairns were here.

A niggle of worry in the back of her mind said she might not get a warm reception from him. After all, they hadn’t talked much since they arrived here. He hadn’t been mad—he’d been injured. In pain. That didn’t mean he blamed her for what happened, but since the FBI were subdued and Kart had invaded his hospital room, he might now, though.

Kenna folded her arms and tried to figure out how she would stay awake now that she’d sat down. Her energy seemed to drain into the floor.

“You should rest before tonight.” Navarro took a sip.

She let out a sigh. “I don’t care about your money.”

“But you care about your friends. That’s why you’re going to do exactly what I ask.”

“You’re a scumbag, you know that?” She’d been close to being able to leave. Now he was going to make her stay because he threatened people she cared about. She would have to commit crimes to satisfy him.

Navarro chuckled over his glass.

“How am I supposed to even trust that you’ll keep your word and they’ll be unharmed?” She might’ve appealed to his empathy over what Maizie had been through, but she doubted that would work. With a man like this, who had no heart? He was pure evil.

Kenna was sick of being scared.


