‘How do you know that I’m smiling?’ she asked, her smile broadening as her words whispered along the soft ebony mat of his chest.
‘I can feel it.’
He probably could, Felicity mused. She felt like an open book, lying in his arms, every page deliciously exposed. He seemed to know what she was thinking, feeling, needing, before she even knew it herself. Their lovemaking had been an utter revelation. Somehow he had known, instinctivelyknownwhat her body unwittingly craved; every touch had been a masterpiece in itself, every delicious stroke an answer to an unvoiced prayer.
‘So tell me,’ Luca persisted, ‘why are you smiling?’
‘I can’t believe that just an hour ago my one dread was that this had happened, that I might have slept with you, and just look at me now!’
‘I am looking.’ In one fluid motion he turned, gently flipping her onto her back, those expressive eyes making love to her all over again, scorching her as he dragged them the length of her body. ‘No regrets?’ he checked, his voice confident, only the tiniest movement of his Adam’s apple indicating that her answer really mattered to him.
‘Maybe later.’ Felicity gave a small laugh. ‘Maybe when I’m back at uni on Monday, or at my parents’ for dinner tonight I’ll have a major panic attack and scarcely be able to believe that I ended up in bed with you. But for the moment I’m just going to enjoy it.’
‘You are a student?’ She heard the gasp of surprise in his voice. ‘Just how old are you?’
‘I’m a mature student.’ Felicity laughed at his discomfort. ‘I know I might look young, but you don’t have to worry about that. I’m actually an accountant.’
‘Really?’ A smile played on his lips and as he lowered his head just a touch, locating the hollow of her stomach with such precision, such skill Felicity found she was holding her breath, holding onto the bedhead for stability as he worked his way upwards. ‘I thought accountants were supposed to be serious…’
‘Boring, even,’ Felicity said, the second word coming out on a gasp as his tongue found her nipples. ‘It’s a myth, but I’ll admit to being serious. My career is important to me.’
‘It sounds as if you take great pride in your work?’
‘I do.’ Felicity squeaked as his hand started to stroke the soft marshmallow of her thighs. ‘That’s why I’m studying at the moment.’ She was trying to concentrate, trying somehow to explain to this wedge of hot flesh pressing against her that she was taking a year off to complete a Masters in Business Administration.
‘Why would you bother?’
His question confused her, irritated her, even, and she pushed his hand away, determined to answer him without distraction.
‘Qualifications are important.’
Luca merely shrugged, his hand creeping on a steady march back, determined to finish what he had started, but Felicity was equally determined to have her say.
‘Not everyone has the world handed to them on a silver plate, Luca. An MBA might seem irrelevant to you, but it’s going to open up a whole new world for me.’
‘Perhaps,’ Luca conceded, dousing her indignation with one devilish smile, ‘but the only world I want to open up is this one.’
His hand was more insistent now, pushing back her thighs he gently nibbled the pink swell of her nipple, flicking it masterfully with his tongue until the only Master Felicity wanted at that moment was one with a major in erogenous zones. But his arrogance still irked her, and this time when she pushed his hand away, when she struggled somewhat breathlessly to sit up, she meant business. The rather stunned look on his face didn’t go unnoticed.
‘You seem surprised?’ Felicity quipped. ‘No doubt you’re not used to women halting proceedings during such a marvellous overture.’
‘Felice…’ A smile danced on the edge of his lips, and his body moved towards her to finish what he had started. But, seeing the determined set of her shoulders, the fire in those amber eyes, he thought better of it and instead raised his palms to the air in an insolent gesture of surrender.
‘I’m sorry if what I was saying bored you.’
‘It didn’t,’ Luca insisted. ‘I can just think of better things to be doing with our time than discussing your résumé.’
‘But if I’d been a man no doubt you’d have paid more attention,’ Felicity countered.
‘Men don’t offer the same distraction.’
‘You’re so sexist,’ Felicity flared, but Luca merely laughed at her fury.
‘Felice, you are lying in bed next to me naked; we have just made love. Now, if the fact I want to touch you, to taste you, to make love to you all over again renders me sexist, then I admit it—I am guilty as charged: Luca Santanno is a raging sexist.’
‘Okay,’ Felicity relented. ‘Maybe my timing was a bit off; it’s just that my work is important to me. Taking a year off to do my MBA wasn’t an easy decision.’
‘So why did you do it? Come on,’ he insisted as she shot him a suspicious look. ‘I really am interested.’