“I had my suspicions the night at Porter’s when I saw Seth go off with a girl with a shiny thing in her hair. Then afterward you sat down at our table with the same shiny thing.” Trey points to Parisa.

“So, a hair clip gave me away? I thought maybe it was our uncontrollable laughter when you mentioned the out of order sign on the men’s bathroom door.”

“Why? Wait. You put the sign there?” Parisa and I laugh once again. “Son of a bitch.” Trey slaps the table. “I had to risk my life because you two were fucking in the bathroom. But also…that’s genius. Where can I get one of those signs?”

“I found out at my farewell party from The Blue Stone Group. There was so much leg groping happening under the table,” Charlie says.

“That’s when Trey mentioned the hair clip. We all had a lengthy discussion after that,” Bennett adds.

I wrap my arms around Parisa’s waist, and she nuzzles into my chest. “We need to practice being stealthier.”

Parisa peers up at me. “Or not, since everyone knows now.”

“But you have to admit it was pretty fun.” I squeeze her tighter to me and she wraps her arms around my waist. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected the one woman who infuriated me on a daily basis would also be the one woman I don’t want to spend a single day without.


Six months later


I toss the paint roller onto the tray and wipe the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. Seth comes up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Looks good in here. If we hang a mirror on that wall. Then move the desk to the right about two feet. That would be a perfect spot for me to bend you over—”

Playfully, I backhand him in the stomach. “We are not having sex in the office of The Lilith House.”

After the charity auction and getting all the legal paperwork taken care of, The Lilith House was the proud new owner of a new to us building. With Seth’s mom still on the mend, he told his parents he would take control of all the contractors. I put my foot down when it came time to purchase a new dishwasher. They were getting the best of the best because I wasn’t cleaning up water again. Luckily, The Lilith House was able to use two different community centers to act as a temporary dinner hall while preparations were underway for the new location. Seth bossing people around is hot, and not just when he’s doing it to me. Many nights I showed him just how hot it was, but of course, more times than not it ended with my wrists tied up with bow ties. After months of work, The Lilith House is only weeks away from the grand re-opening.

“Alright, no office sex…today.” Seth flashes me a boyish grin. I can’t help but smile in return.

I wander the perimeter of the room until I’m standing in front of three framed photos perched in the corner. “I still can’t believe you got into a bidding war with my sister over the photos I took. I would have happily given both of you copies.”

“It was worth every penny to have the originals. Plus, I knew they would make a great addition to the office.” Seth moves to stand next to me.

“They’ll look perfect in here.” I smile up at Seth. Then my gaze drifts to my bag and my heart rate spikes. I’ve come to the conclusion there’s no perfect time to share news like this. The perfect moment is the one we make. And there’s no better moment than now. “I have something for you.”

“You’ve changed your mind about the office sex?”

“You’re insatiable. And no.” I stroll to my bag and pull out a white pastry box with The Sweet Spot logo stamped on the top. “This is for you.” With a slight tremble, I hold out the box to him. It feels like a swarm of butterflies are about to take flight in my stomach.

Seth eyes the box and then looks up at me. “What is this?”

“Just open it.” I nibble on my lip in anticipation.

Seth slowly peels back the lid and peeks inside. With wide eyes, he looks up at me and back into the box. “Is this real?” All I can do is eagerly nod my head.

He reaches into the box and pulls out a frosted cupcake and resting on top is a pregnancy test with two pink lines. Seth lifts the cupcake to eye level as he inspects the test and pokes it. “No, is this real?”

I can’t help the giggle that escapes. “No. The test is made of fondant. But what it shows is real.”

“You’re pregnant?”

I nod.

“We’re having a baby?”

I nod again.

Seth sets the cupcake on the desktop and wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me. “We’re going to have a baby Peach.” His eyes light up as the biggest grin spreads across his face. “I love you so much.”