“Since you brought beer…” Bennett grabs the bottle from my grasp and makes his way into the kitchen. I follow close behind, walking into the open kitchen where Charlie and Trey are sitting at the island. “I got beer and Parisa is here.”
“Beer and a pretty lady. This night just got better.” Trey stands up and greets me with a hug.
“Parisa. What are you doing here?” Charlie wraps her arms around me next. “Let me take your coat.” She holds out her arms as I shrug it off.
“I was in the area so I thought I would stop by and talk to Bennett and Trey, since he’s here, about the charity event.” I take a seat at the end of the island.
Bennett removes four pint glasses from the cupboard and sets them on the concrete countertop. He opens the jug and starts pouring. “I’m good.”
“Do you want wine? I have a bottle of red.” Charlie rises from her seat but sits back down when I respond.
“No, thanks. I’m here strictly for business.”
“Oh, this is getting serious.” Trey reaches for one of the full pints and takes a sip.
“Once I heard about all the trouble Seth and his family are having regarding The Lilith House, I knew I needed to do something. So, I’m putting together a charity event to help raise money. And I need your help.”
“Charlie mentioned something, but what do you need our help with?” Bennett leans forward, resting his elbows on the counter.
“I’m hoping that you and Trey could talk to some of your friends and clients about donating some items to our silent auction.”
Bennett’s fingers brush across the dark stubble on his chin. “I think there are a few people I can ask. And a few others who owe me a favor. So yeah, I’ll see what I can do.”
“Same. Anything to help Seth and his family,” Trey says.
“Oh Bennett, maybe you could donate one of the trestle tables you built. And matching chairs to go with it,” Charlie adds.
“That’s a great idea. Count me in for a dining set. It won’t be done in time for the event, but it can be like an IOU.”
“Everyone is going to love that. That will for sure bring in a lot of money.” I pull out my phone and open the notes app to mark down Bennett’s donation. “Also, let me know as soon as possible what your friends can donate. Or give them my number and I’ll organize everything.”
“Wow Parisa. I’ve never seen you like this. Hosting an event of this magnitude and making notes in your phone verses a cocktail napkin. What have you done with the other Parisa?” Charlie playfully bumps me with her elbow.
“Let’s just say a certain bow tie wearing guy taught me the importance of being organized.”
“Does he know you’re doing all this?” Bennett asks.
“He doesn’t and I hope to keep it a surprise. If all goes as planned, I hope to surprise him with an invitation to the event.” I fiddle with my phone.
“You’ve always been so determined. I know you’ll make this entire event amazing.” Charlie leans over, giving me a side hug.
“I hope so.”
“I got it!” Trey’s booming voice startles us all.
“Got what?” Bennett asks.
“I have the perfect donation.” Trey’s smile lights up the kitchen.
“I’m scared to ask, but what do you got?”
“You?” I quirk an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah. The highest bidder wins a date with me.” Trey sits up straighter and puffs out his chest, proud of his genius idea as if he just invented the wheel.
“You think that highly of yourself? That you’ll bring in a bunch of cash?” Charlie asks.