“I’ve known Seth since he was knee high. Watched him grow up into the outstanding man he is today and let me tell you, I’ve never seen him as smitten with anyone else as I’ve seen him with you. You are the light to his darkness and right now there’s a lot of darkness. Don’t give up on him. He needs you more than ever right now.”

“I don’t know what to do. He won’t even talk to me.”

“Just be there for him. Let him know you’re there for whenever he’s ready to get his head out of his ass.” Maggie gives me a wink.

I chuckle, but I let her words sink in. On the surface Seth may never want to see me again but I know deep down his feelings for me run just as deep as mine do for him. Maggie’s right. I need to let him know that I’m here for him and I’m not going anywhere, whether he likes it or not. “Do you have an extra apron?”


One day at a time


Why did she have to come here? Just when I’ve stopped spending every moment thinking about her, she shows up to invade my thoughts once again. To rub salt in my wounds by telling me she got the promotion. At this point I don’t care about the job, the promotion, or her. I repeatedly jam the masher into the pot of potatoes.

“What did those potatoes do to you?”

Frustrated, I toss the masher into the sink. “Nothing.” I lean back against the counter as Maggie gives me sympathetic eyes. “I don’t know what to do anymore. About anything.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” She rests her hand on my forearm. “A lot has happened in the last week. Your mom is very lucky to have you. You just need to take it one day at a time.” I nod and give her a tight smile. Maggie has always been like a second mom to me and often a voice of reason, especially when it’s unsolicited. But she’s right. Take it one day at a time.

“I’m going to bring these out to the line.” I finish scooping the potatoes into a buffet pan and carry them out to the service area. Just as the door swings closed behind me, I look up and I’m greeted with familiar auburn locks sitting in a pile on top of her head wrapped in a hair net as a white apron drapes around her neck. She’s not the distraction I need. I take a few steps and drop the pan into the tray. The loud noise causes her to turn around. When she notices the scowl on my face, the smile on hers falls. “I thought you were leaving.”

Uncertainty flits across her face before she composes herself. “I’m here to volunteer.”

“This isn’t your thing.”

“But this is exactly where I want to be.”

“We have enough volunteers,” I lie. Because I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself with her so close.

“I’m sure you could use one more.” She shifts back and forth on her feet.

“Nope. We’re all good.”

“But who’s serving the sides?”

“Lance will.”

At the sound of his name Lance looks up. “But I’m serving desserts.”

Thinking quick, Sara, another volunteer, walks by. “Then Sara will.”

Just then Maggie steps out of the kitchen. Her gaze locks onto Parisa before drifting to me. “Sara, I need your help in the kitchen. Parisa can take the sides.” A knowing smile passes across Parisa’s lips as Maggie gives her a wink.

What the hell just happened? These two are conspiring against me. Now I have to spend the next couple of hours standing next to the girl who looks absolutely stunning, even in a hairnet. The girl who constantly invites herself into my dreams. And whose peach scent makes my dick hard. Son of a bitch. This apron will do more than just keep my clothes clean.

The first thirty minutes carry on without a hitch. I keep my eyes to myself even though I’m tempted to look in her direction every time her sugary sweet voice greets every person who comes through the line. And her laugh. God, I miss her laugh. And the way her nose crinkles with each giggle.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite person.” When I look up, Lenard shuffles his feet until he’s standing in front of Parisa giving her a wide grin.

“I see how it is. Just forgot about all those games of Euchre we’ve played together.”

“If you looked as pretty as this one, you could be my favorite person.” He goes back to schmoozing Parisa.

“Would you at least like some ham?” Without even turning to me, he holds out his tray in my direction. With a shake of my head, I exhale a laugh and toss of piece of ham on top of his cafeteria style tray.

“I’m glad to see you back here. This one,” Lenard nods in my direction, “has been a grump while you’ve been away. Permanent scowl on his face.”