“This is going to sound stupid. But you’re so organized and put together. On the best of days, I feel like a hot mess. You make me feel inferior and I hate that.”

“I’ll be honest. My incessant need to be organized can drive me crazy. But I think it’s more of a control thing.”

“Where did it come from?”

“I can’t pinpoint one specific event. It was something I grew up with and it carried into adulthood.”

“So, tying me up with your bow ties is a control thing?”

Seth takes a moment to think over his answer. “I think it’s a part of it. But also, it’s like a release of the control.”

“Well, there’s definitely a release of something.” I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder. Being tied up during sex is something I’ve never experienced, but it’s something I’m growing to love, especially with Seth. Deep down, I trust him. And that thought terrifies me.

Seth squeezes my hand to get my attention and then looks down at me. “What do you say we get out of here? I want to show you something.”


A piece of me


“Where are we going?” She looks up at me.

“I just want to show you a part of me that not many people know about.” My gaze drifts down her body before looking back up. “Well, first you might need to change. Something more casual, perhaps.”

Her eyebrows squish together. “Well, that’s not ominous or anything. Is this a public place?”

“Yes, but no one will recognize you. Just trust me.” I press my lips to her forehead before standing and taking her with me. Spinning her around, I point her in the direction of the hallway, where I assume her bedroom is. “Now go change.”

A few minutes later, she’s walking down the hallway into the living room. Parisa in a skirt and blouse…gorgeous. Parisa in skinny jeans and flowy top…fucking stunning.

“Will this do?”

Tugging her toward me, I wrap my arms around her waist. “You look perfect. In fact, I’m not sure I want to leave your apartment anymore.”

She pushes me away with a giggle. “Well, you made me change so whatever you had planned, we’re going.”

“Okay. Fair enough. But afterward you’re mine.”

“I won’t argue with that.”

“One more thing. Do you have a hair tie?”

“Is this another kink you have? You going to put my hair in a braid or something?”

I can’t help but laugh. “No. But you’ll need it.”

The drive is relatively quiet. I’m kind of surprised Parisa hasn’t tried to play twenty questions about where we’re going. A smile tugs at my lips knowing that she trusts me. We drive down a side street before entering a dark alley. The headlights of my car light up a brick wall in front of us. I pull into a spot between two other vehicles, shift into park, and turn off the ignition.

“Dark alley. Big brick building. Either this is a secret meeting spot for an underground rave or you’re going to chop me up into little bits in the basement.”

“Lucky for you…neither. But we’ll be chopping things. We better get going.” I open my door and step out. Parisa hesitates for a moment before getting out herself. As she rounds the hood of my car I’m waiting for her, holding out my open palm. She looks down before resting her delicate hand in mine. I give her hand a squeeze; her gaze meets mine as a smile tugs at both our lips. Just one look, one touch from her, makes me want to tell the world she’s mine. But she’s not mine. Not yet anyway.

It's only a few steps before we’re in front of a large steel door. Gripping the handle, I yank it up, holding it open for Parisa. This gives me a moment to admire her from behind. Once I close the door behind us, I give her my hand again and lead us down a dimly lit hallway as one of the fluorescent lights flickers above us, lighting our path down the well-worn, pale yellow tile. I make a mental note to get the light fixed.

“I’ve never known a guy who’s enjoyed holding hands so much.”

I lean down and whisper in her ear. “I like touching you.” Even in the dim hallway I can see the blush creep up her cheeks.