“I think he was too preoccupied with your friend to notice.”
“I still can’t believe those two are dating. And I forgot, Charlie and Olivia invited me out to Porter’s as well.”
“With our friends now dating, I suppose it’s only natural for the two groups to become one.”
I inhale a deep breath and lean against the door and bite my lower lip. “Yeah, I suppose.”
My heart thunders in my chest at the thought of my two best friends, who know me better than everyone, all hanging out together with Seth, the guy I’m secretly banging. Shit.
Something’s in the water
“You know what the world is missing?” Trey takes a gulp of his beer before setting the pint glass down on the table.
The crowd at Porter’s is quieter tonight, but there are still plenty of people milling around. My foot bounces on the bottom of the barstool, anticipating Parisa’s arrival. It’s only a matter of time before she walks through that door, and I somehow have to pretend I don’t want to rip her clothes off and lick every inch of her delicate skin right here on the table. I’m going to need a lot of willpower to pretend I don’t want to do that.
“Do I want to know?” I peer over the rim of my glass.
Trey throws his hands up in the air. “High quality porn.”
“Nope. Didn’t want to know.”
“Why do we always get some cheesy ass story line? Some hot girl comes in wearing a skimpy little outfit and oops, I fell on his dick. I’m not opposed to a little buildup. Get the motor revving a little bit before you stick it in her tailpipe.”
“Do people watch porn for anything but the sex?” I ask.
“I don’t know, man. Maybe I’m in a dry spell. It’s been…” Trey’s gaze wanders toward the ceiling while he concentrates and starts counting on his fingers before he looks back to me. “Fourteen days.”
“That took entirely too long for you to figure out two weeks.”
“I’m telling you, not having a regular release is fucking with my head. And the lack of good porn isn’t helping either. Maybe I’ll see if I can find someone tonight.” Trey twists in his seat while he glances around the bar.
While Trey is searching for his next victim, I stare at the blank screen of my phone, thinking about Parisa. I know the girls had plans to come here tonight and Parisa said she would message me when she was on her way.
“What about that one?”
Trey’s question pulls me from my thoughts. “Huh?”
“Dude, you’re a pretty shitty wingman.” Trey turns around to face me.
“That’s because I didn’t sign up to be your wingman. I was left with no other choice when Bennett bailed.” My gaze wanders back down to my phone.
“Oh no. None of that.” Trey points to me, then to my phone. “You’re waiting for something. Don’t tell me it’s some chick. I already lost Bennett to the L word. I can’t lose you too.”
“Again, I didn’t volunteer for this. And what’s so bad about falling in love? You can’t tell me you’ve actually been in love.”
Trey looks me square in the eyes, elbows resting on the table as he leans in. “I have. Zero stars. I don’t recommend.”
“Wait, how come I’ve never heard about it? When did this happen?”
“It was during a dark time of my life. Emotions got involved and then poof. Everything imploded.” Trey leans back in his stool and rests his arm along the back of the chair next to him. “But it’s all in the past. Now it’s time to look to the future. Like which girl will scream my name tonight.”
“Will that be in pleasure or terror? Because I’m kinda leaning toward the latter.”
“Fuck off.” Trey continues to glance around the bar. “Since you suck at being my wingman, I’m going up to the bar. See if any of the ladies need me to buy them a drink.” Trey takes the last drink of his beer and slams it down onto the table. Within seconds, he’s at the bar and already has a couple of girls hanging all over him. How does he do that? But also, I’m slightly terrified to know the answer.