
My bed is cold and lonely without Seth next to me. Ugh, why can’t I get him out of my head? Sure, he gave me several days of mind-blowing orgasms, which I really didn’t think he had in him, but he certainly proved me wrong. Now I’m back in Minnesota, back in my empty bed, staring at the dark ceiling, and the only thing I want is Seth. Thoughts of his hands roaming my body and his mouth between my legs, doing that thing with his tongue again, float through my mind. Damn. It’s been way too long since a man touched me like that, probably my last boyfriend at my last place of employment. Once again, I scold myself. Don’t date the coworkers. That should be the cardinal rule, and clearly one I can’t follow. But I’m not dating Seth. It’s just sex. It was just sex. He could have been any faceless guy, and I’m sure I would have the same feelings. The sex induced endorphins must still be coursing through my body. That’s it. This will pass. I turn to my side and stare at the blue digital numbers of my alarm clock. But what if I don’t want it to pass?

Several restless later, my alarm goes off and I amble out of bed. I do my best to put myself together for work, but I’m sure I look like I was on an all night bender. By the time I’m pushing through the door of The Blue Stone Group, I’m ready to go back home. Not only am I tried but how will things be with Seth? I trudge toward the front desk where I spot Olivia and Charlie.

“I don’t want this to sound harsh, but you look like hell,” Olivia says.

“No, I get it. I didn’t get any sleep last night.”

“That because of the trip to Colorado?” Charlie asks.

My eyes go wide as my hands become clammy. “Why? Why would you say that?” I blurt out faster than necessary.

“You got home late Saturday, so I’m sure you didn’t get much time to unwind. And the hour time change doesn’t help.” Charlie furrows her brow at me.

“Oh. Yeah. That must be the reason I couldn’t sleep last night. I’ll make up for the lack of sleep tonight. Go to bed early.”

“I’m going to go on a coffee run on break. Want me to get you something?” Charlie asks.

“That would be amazing. Thank you.” Just as I turn around to walk toward the elevator, Seth strolls through the glass doors. His gray suit is perfectly tailored to fit his broad shoulders and narrow waist. When my gaze wanders back up, I’m met with a pair of familiar eyes behind black rimmed glasses staring back at me. He offers a nod, and I can’t help but notice the slight upturn to his lips. Heat creeps up my neck knowing he knows what I look like under my clothes. Excitement courses through me because I also know what he looks like under his.

“So how was the conference, Parisa? We heard about the airport mishap and getting stuck in a blizzard.” Olivia tilts her head at me like she’s trying to read my thoughts.

“It was…good,” I lie. I lie so hard because it was more than good. Like I can’t stop thinking about it. But I can’t tell them. I can’t tell anyone. Plus, we said what happened in Colorado stays in Colorado and Seth agreed, so this is what he wants too.

Just the thought of him gives me heart palpitations, and I really want to get to my desk and see him. I make plans with Olivia and Charlie to meet at Porter’s later and then I scurry to the elevator. My heart beats louder with each passing second as I anticipate seeing Seth again. When I round the corner to where our desks sit, my gaze darts to his first and my heart sinks. All that sits at his desk in an empty chair. I take a closer peek, thinking maybe he’s using the restroom or something, but there’s no sign that Seth has come to his cubical yet. His computer screen is black, his chair is pushed in, not a pen is out of place. Finally, I take a seat at my desk and distract myself with work. Throughout the entire morning, the scuffle of feet passing my desk would cause me to look up to see if it’s Seth, and each time I’m disappointed. What has he done to me? I’ve never been like this.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Then the familiar scent of citrus and cedar wafts around me and instantly I know it’s him and my lips split into a smile. His chair squeaks as he pulls it back from his desk and takes a seat. My cheeks flame as I sense his eyes on me. I’m fighting to show him I haven’t been waiting to see him all morning, but I’m failing miserably.

From the corner of my eye, I watch as Seth turns toward his desk and scribbles something on the piece of paper, then slowly slides it across our shared half wall. My gaze wanders down, then back up to meet his and he nods at the folded note.

I peer behind me like a teenager trying not to get caught passing notes by the teacher before I grab the folded paper. My fingers fumble as I open it and read the short, right slanted words.

You’re all I thought about all weekend.

My gaze lingers over his words. I never knew seven words could affect me this way. Grabbing one of the several pens scattered on my desk, I jot down a reply, fold the note, and slide it back to Seth. While Seth unfolds the note, I prop my chin on my hands. His jaw drops and I know he read what I wrote. He twists toward me, a glint of lust swirls behind his irises causing me to clench my thighs together, needing a little friction to take the edge off. He pulls his gaze away from mine and scribbles something down before passing the note back to me.

Quickly, I grab it as my fingers fumble to unfold the now worn paper.

Since I made you wet all weekend from thinking about me, what do you say we go take care of that?

Shit. My thighs clench together all over again. I peer at him through my lashes and he’s watching me with intent. Just as my pen hits the paper, a deep voice from behind startles me, causing me to jump, and my pen drops to the floor.

“Seth, Parisa. I need to see both of you in my office.” I swivel around, picking up my pen in the process, as Mr. Evans stands behind me sipping coffee from his mug that reads Monday’s are for Winners.

Clearing my throat, I tell him, “Okay. We’ll be right there.” Mr. Evans turns and disappears around the corner. Seth rises to his feet at the same time as me.


T.W.A.T. closet


After our brief meeting with Mr. Evans, we head back to our desks. We were told how impressed he was with our presentations, and we’ve made the decision a very difficult one for the board, but we should hear back soon about their choice. I want this promotion so bad. I need this promotion. I’ve put in so many hours of extra work and after what happened at my last job, I need this for my own self-worth. I deserve this. But then there’s Seth, who wants this promotion not only for himself but to help his family. And that right there has me torn. We both deserve it, but one is going to be disappointed. That thought sours my entire mood.

I dive into my work, hoping I can distract myself. Several minutes pass, until out of the corner of my eye, a folded piece of paper resting on top of the half cubicle wall catches my attention. I glance behind me to make sure no one is watching before I snatch it and unfold the paper.

What has you looking so sad?