Page 70 of Fighting Fate


Maybe he’s saying that because he wants to avoid having an awkward conversation—one where he lets me know that my feelings definitely aren’t reciprocated.

I decide to change the subject, not wanting to talk about that awkward conversation anymore. “So, uh, if I act super heartbroken, do you think Harper would let me skip homecoming?”

Hunter smirks. “Ah, Trouble, I’m not letting you get out of it that easily. Besides, you look incredible in your homecoming dress. You deserve to be seen. All the guys in the school will realize they were idiots for not asking you.”

I frown. “I don’twantany guy in this school to ask me to homecoming.”

Because what if they turn out like Preston? And besides, it’s not like any guy in this school could compare to my feelings for Hunter anyway. My heart is very, very taken.

Hunter nods. “I don’t blame you. The guys here are kind of immature.”

“All high school boys are immature,” I counter.

“Maybe,” he says. “I could get a guy from my team to take you. Sander and Brett have girlfriends. But maybe Gage could… eh, but he’s out of the country. Maybe Nolan…” he pauses, shaking his head. “No, he’s way too intense for you.” He looks at me, cocking his head to the side. “You know, I’m not sure who your type would be. You’re hard to get a read on.”

He thinksI’mhard to read?

“I don’t want apitydate.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Do they not teach you how to talk to girls at that school of yours?”

He smirks. “Well, I did take Flirting 101 my freshman year.”

Flirting 101? Is he serious?

“You’re joking, right?” I ask.

“Not joking,” he answers. “If you don’t want to go with a friend of mine, I could always take you. I’m going to be there anyway, so we may as well go together. I’m sure it would make Harper very happy.”

I don’t respond because I don’t know what to say. Hunter is exactly who I want taking me. But I don’t want him taking me out of convenience. And I definitely don’t want him taking me because he feels sorry for me.

“We’re friends, right?” Hunter asks.

I nod, trying not to think about how much his ‘friends’ comment hurts.

“We can go as friends,” he offers.

“It’s still a pity date,” I say, knowing he can’t really argue the point. Because a pity date is exactly what it is.

“It’snota pity date. It actually would help a lot if we went together. I don’t want everybody in this school to think I’m your creepy stalker.”

I smirk. “That’s not far from the truth.”

Hunter narrows his eyes, but doesn’t comment on what I said. “It’s not a pity date. If Spy School had a prom, you’re exactly the kind of girl I’d want to take.”

My stomach flutters.

Why does he have to say things likethat? Things that give me hope and make me believe thatmaybehe could like me the same way I like him.

But I know he doesn’t.

I lower my head. “I don’t know, Hunter.”

“Why not?” he asks.

I still don’t look up. “I don’t know.” I shrug. “I just think maybe it would mean more to me than it would to you. I feel pathetic having you take me. Because I know that you’d neverreallytake me, even if you say you would. I know you only said that to make me feel better.”

“Cove, look at me,” Hunter instructs.