Page 58 of Fighting Fate

So tonight definitely isn’t going to end well.

“It’s more like he brought me,” I admit, though wonder if I should have said that. “He thinks I’m boring and need a social life or something.”

Griffin nods his head, saying nothing.

“It’s good to see you,” I tell him.

His eyes meet mine. “Do you want to talk on the dock?”

I let out a breath, thankful that he’s going to at least attempt to talk to me. “Sure.”

Griffin doesn’t try to hold my hand as we walk to the dock. We take a seat at the end of the dock, dangling our feet over the side. I notice that he doesn’t try to scoot close to me which probably isn’t a good sign for a guy that’s pursuing a girl he likes.

Does he not like me anymore?

I feel relieved at the thought.

Maybe Griffin and I could be friends.

“Are you feeling better?” Griffin asks.

I raise an eyebrow. “Better?”

He clears his throat. “Your, uh, headache.”

Dread fills my stomach. “Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”

Griffin takes a deep breath, turning his full attention to me. “You know, I came by your dorm last night. I thought that maybe I could cheer you up, or at least get you some medicine or something. But you weren’t there.”

I swallow hard. “I, uh, well…” I pause, taking a deep breath as I try to lie my way out of the situation.

Lying is hard. Especially when you get caught. One lie can turn into many lies very quickly. It’s hard to keep up.

I lick my lips, which suddenly feel dry. “I was at Hunter’s dorm. I didn’t feel good, so he was looking after me. I didn’t want to tell you because I feel like you don’t like Hunter very much.”

“I like Hunter.” Griffin sighs, glancing behind us for a second. His eyes quickly land back on me. “What I don’t like is that he can’t take his eyes off of you. Even now, he’s watching us. He’s in love with you. And I get the feeling that you feel the same way about him.”

I close my eyes, trying to regain my composure. I open them again and boldly look Griffin in the eyes. “Hunter doesn’t like me like that, Griffin. Trust me when I tell you this, it’s not at all what you think. Hunter is… intense. And a bit protective, but he has reasons to be. My life isn’t like the other kids in our schools. They live these fairytale lives, but mine is a nightmare for reasons I can’t get into right now. But Hunter takes care of me. I’m only sorry that you don’t believe me.”

“You lie a lot,” Griffin says.

I nod. “I do.”

“So how can I believe anything you say?” he asks.

I shrug one shoulder. “Maybe you just have to trust that I only lie when I have to. And I don’t lie about the important stuff. I don’t lie about who I am.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t you see how completely messed up that is, Cove?”

“Iknowhow messed up it is. It’s mylife. My whole life is completely messed up.” I slap my hand down on the board out of frustration. “And I can’t tell you anything.”

“Can’t or won’t?” he asks.

I pause. “Won’t. Because I barely know you. You’re just a guy I started talking to. I haven’t even told Harper the truth. The only people who know are my brother and—”

Griffin cuts me off. “And Hunter. I know. Which is the problem.”

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath.