Page 49 of Fighting Fate

Which is the problem.

It’s also the reason I’m alive.

Hunter smiles at me, but I can tell it’s forced. “I’m sorry. I know you want to be a normal teenager, but you can’t.”

I nod, letting him know that I understand.

“Do you really not want to date Griffin?” Hunter asks.

“Not really, no.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

It hurts to admit that to Hunter, but it’s the truth. I’m not sure if I would feel different about Griffin if I had never met Hunter. But the truth is, I don’t think I’ll ever have feelings this strong for anybody else.

Hunter Duran completely owns my heart.

“Let’s get to class,” Hunter says.

Training. Class. Our little safe house. This is all I’ll ever have with Hunter.

He’s not into me.

Now, I just have to get over him.


I pace my bedroom that night.

Mostly, I’m trying to avoid Hunter. I’ve spent far too much time with him already and it’s bad for my heart. My heart is in way too deep with him already. And the more time I spend with him, the more I fall for him.

My phone chimes. I grab it from my desk reading the text.

Griffin:I’m at WRA. I want to hang out. Are you coming to the toga party?

My heart sinks.

I can’t go tonight. Hunter made that very clear. And things with Griffin are already so fragile. He thinks I have feelings for Hunter—and he’s right, I do. But I still want to hang out with Griffin. I do like him. He’s a nice guy.

I worry my bottom lip between my teeth as I send him a text back.

Me:I’m not coming tonight. I’m not feeling very well. :( Bad headache.

He texts back right away.

Griffin:I’m so sorry. :( Do you need anything?

Me:Just rest.

I hate lying. It seems like all I do lately is lie to my friends, but I can’t exactly tell him the truth. I don’t want him involved in all of this.

If I did tell Griffin, he would understand. I don’t think he would run or even be scared. He’s a good guy. Which is why I should run far, far away from him.

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. I look up and see Hunter poke his head through the doorframe.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

Does heknowthat I’m hiding out in my room to avoid him? Does he know how I feel about him?

My heart races faster.