Page 32 of Fighting Fate

“You say that because you don’t have to be around them.” He stuffs half a Pop Tart in his mouth.

I wrinkle my nose. “It can’t be any worse than being around you on a daily basis.”

He ignores me.

“Things are changing on my team.” Hunter frowns.

“Changing how?”

He sighs. “Sander is in love with Phoenix. And I get the feeling he’s going to be leaving Spy School soon. Maybe he’ll try and have a normal life. And Brett and Blue are some of the best hackers Spy School has. They’re always busy. I imagine they’ll be too busy for the rest of us soon. And you already know Serenity and Bass are disgustingly in love. I imagine they’ll be on a couple team soon, getting married and having babies. It’s just not the same as it used to be.”

“Sander is allowed to leave Spy School?” My eyes widen. “I thought it would be like the mafia—once you’re in, there is no way out.”

Hunter snorts. “No. There is always a choice. Many people retire from Spy School. I think Sander is just worried about turning out like his parents. He’s in love. Love does weird things to people.”

I suppose it does.

“That is why I’m never going to fall in love.” He stuffs the rest of his Pop Tart in his mouth.

His one sentence breaks my heart.

Hunter will never fall in love with me. I need to accept it and I need to move on.

So why won’t my heart listen?

In the end, when all of this is over, I am going to have a shattered heart. I’ll be left missing this boy like crazy. And he won’t even care about me. He’ll just be moving on to his next mission, focusing his attention fully on that.

Hunter nudges me with his elbow. “Are you okay? You look pale.”

“I’m fine.” I chew on my lip, wishing that things were different.

“We should head out. I’m starving.” He pats his flat stomach.

I roll my eyes. “Your body is a garbage disposal.”

He beams. “Thanks, Trouble.”

Of course he would take that as a compliment.

I get up from the stool and Hunter takes my bag from me, putting it on his own shoulder. He slips his arm around me, walking me toward the door.

“If you want, I can get you transferred to East Raven so you can be with your boyfriend.”

“Griffin isn’t my boyfriend. And even if he were, I wouldn’t transfer schools for a boy. I wouldn’t leave Harper, she’s my friend. Or Liam. Griffin is just… a boy in high school that I’ll forget by the time I’m twenty.”

Does Hunter really think so little of me? Does he think I’mthatboy crazy?

“It was just an offer.” He opens the passenger side door for me. “I figured you’d say no.”

I get into the car, Hunter shutting it behind me.

I really wish I liked Griffin—then things would be simple. Or as simple as it could be considering I have a hit on my life. Butno. Of course I had to fall for stupid Hunter Duran.

Life is way too complicated.

Playing hard to get.

Hunter is closer than ever today, and that is saying something considering he never leaves my side. Earlier, he tried to go into the bathroom with me. I compromised by letting him check the bathroom to make sure nobody with a gun was waiting inside for me. He also stood outside the door and wouldn’t let anybody else come in. I want to tell him it’s a bit of an overkill, but then I remember Laura. Maybe it’s not overkill.