Page 77 of Fighting Fate

I tangle my fingers in his hair. Hunter puts his hand on the small of my back, pulling me further into him.

While Hunter’s hands are calloused, his lips are soft. He’s so gentle with me, like he thinks I could break. But the only thing that could break me right now is if he stopped kissing me.

Is this really happening? Is Hunter really kissing me right now?

Too quickly, the kiss ends. Hunter pulls back, his green eyes piercing into mine. He runs his fingers through his hair, backing away from me.

“Oh, Cove, I’m sorry,” he says.

He’s sorry? That was the best experience of my life and he’ssorry?

“I shouldn’t have done that,” he continues. “You’re my assignment. I can’t… we can’t…”

We can’t.

I should have known it was too good to be true. Guys like Hunter don’t like girls like me. I only wish he would’ve figured that outbeforehe kissed me.

Tears press against the back of my eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Hunter says. “We just—”

I don’t want to hear anymore. Hearing his reasonings won’t change anything. He’s made his decision and I have to live with it.

Not wanting Hunter to see my tears, I turn my back toward him. But it’s not enough. I need to getawayfrom him. I can’t be around him right now. I don’t want him to realize just how much his words hurt me. I can’t let him know how deep my feelings for him are.

I take off running toward the stairs. Hunter yells after me, but I have a bit of a head start on him. I think me running took him by surprise. He definitely wasn’t expecting it.

Maybe I’m stupid to run away from somebody who is trying to protect me, but my heart can’t take it. Hunter doesn’t even realize how deep my feelings for him are. It was so easy for him to kiss me and to go back to normal. But I can’t do that. I can never go back from that.

I run to the side of the dance floor, weaving my way between the crowds of people. When I see a staircase to the left, I run down, hoping Hunter doesn’t see me.

The staircase leads to a dark and dusty basement. There are a bunch of boxes stacked up. I find a little nook that’s well hidden and I sit down on the floor, not even caring if I ruin my dress.

Tonight is the worst night of my life.

I hide my face in my hands and I sob into them.

I should’ve just begged Griffin to take me. If I had gone with him, I wouldn’t be in this situation.

I’m so pathetic to pine away after Hunter. And now, Hunter is going to know. There is no way I can hide my feelings after that. He has to know just how deeply he hurt me.

I knew coming to homecoming was a bad idea. I can’t believe I let Harper talk me into this. She’s just hanging out with Reed anyway. And I’m so, so glad she’s happy, but she didn’t need me tonight.

I would go find her or Liam, but then I’d most likely run into Hunter and I can’t deal with that right now. I just need him to leave me alone.

How did I end up here?



In a dirty basement.

Just the girl.

The tears roll down my cheeks and fall onto my dress, which only makes me cry more.

This stupid dress. I never should’ve let Hunter buy it for me. And I definitely shouldn’t have let Hunter bring me tonight. I should’ve put my foot down and said I wasn’t going to come. I’ve made a big mess of things now.