Page 69 of Fighting Fate

Hunter walks over to the bed, sitting down. He turns so that he’s facing me. “Are you crying because Griffin broke up with you?”

I shake my head. “I didn’t like Griffin likethat. I told you that.”

“Then why are you so upset? I came in here to scold you for running away from me. I never expected to find you crying.” His green eyes scan my face, making me want to hide. “What has you upset?”

Is he seriously asking that?

“Did you not hear what Griffin said?” I ask, sitting up straighter.

“Which part?” He cocks his head to the side.

I throw my hands up. “All of it. Take your pick.”

He furrows his brows. “Uh, he said he can’t take you to homecoming. Which, I agree with what he said. Youdidlook relieved when he said that.” Hunter chuckles. “I shouldn’t laugh. The guy was crazy about you, but it was kind of funny.”

I narrow my eyes.

He stops laughing. “You’re upset.”


I was upset because I was worried what Hunter would think about what Griffin said. But now I’m upset because I realize Hunterdoesn’tsee me as anything but a friend. I’m just his job.

He’s being paid to be with me right now.

“How much do you get paid to babysit me?” I ask him.

Hunter’s eyes widen a fraction. “Cove, why are you asking this?”

“Because I feel pathetic,” I admit.

I’m just a young girl that has a crush on an older guy. Not that Hunter isthatmuch older than me. He’s nineteen. I’m seventeen, soon to be eighteen. But he still sees me as a kid.

Hunter Duran will never like me the same way I like him. It’s something I need to accept.

Hunter opens his mouth to say something, so I cut him off, not wanting to hear his sympathy.

“Why couldn’t I like Griffin?” I ask Hunter. “He was nice.”

Hunter shrugs. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s always about how nice or even how attractive somebody is. Sometimes, you just don’t have chemistry. I can’t explain it.”

I frown.

Why do I have to have so much chemistry for Hunter? And how does he have none for me?

“Cove, you are not pathetic,” Hunter says, his green eyes never breaking eye contact. “You’re smart and way more mature than your peers. In just a few short months, you’ve picked up things in training it takes others year to learn. When you give people a chance to get to know you, they like you. You just keep everybody at arm’s length.”

He’s right about the last part, but I don’t know about the rest.

Hunter pauses to take a breath. “You’re also the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my life. You don’t even realize how stunning you are, and that only makes me like you more.”

My heart races.

He thinks I’m beautiful.

“If you’re upset about what Griffin said about you having feelings for me, don’t be. He only sees what he wants to see. It’s easy for people to think that because we’re always together,” he says. “But I know where I stand with you. You don’t have to be embarrassed.”

He doesn’t know? How can he not see? Or is he only saying that to make me feel better?