Page 65 of Fighting Fate

“To the cabin,” he answers.

I raise an eyebrow. “I figured we’d leave campus.”

He shakes his head. “I need time to think. Leaving campus won’t help this situation.”

I wonder why it won’t help.

What is going on in Hunter’s head right now? I wish I knew what he was thinking.

“Am I safe?” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth as I watch him, hoping that I can read something in his expression.

Hunter doesn’t answer my question. He just looks forward, driving. It isn’t until we pull into the cabin that he finally turns to look at me.

“I will protect you.” Hunter runs his fingers through his hair. “So, yes. You are safe. But you’re also never safe while you have a million dollar hit on your life. Until we figure this out, we have to be cautious.”

I nod, not knowing what to say.

Hunter gets out of the car and I sit there for a moment longer, soaking in his words.

I’m safe with Hunter. And I feel safe with Hunter. But am I really? This is scary and dangerous.

When my door opens, I jump. I look over and see Hunter standing there, waiting for me to get out.

“You scared me.” I get out of the car, grabbing my bag from the floor board. Before I can sling it over my shoulder, Hunter grabs it, carrying it for me. I shut my door and follow him toward the small cabin that we currently call ‘home.’

It’s weird that this cabin feels more like home than New York City ever did.

When all this is over, I think I’ll move to the middle of nowhere, far away from the city. I could live on the other side of the planet and be happy—hopefully I never have to see my mom or stepdad again.

The day passes quickly. Hunter spends most of the day pacing the living room and looking out the windows. I watch some videos and try to get some studying done.

I dread the upcoming weekend. I don’t want to go to homecoming. I like Griffin, but he’s not who I want to go to the dance with. I can’t tell Hunter that without revealing who I actually want to go with. I feel pathetic enough as it is without Hunter knowing about my massive crush on him.

My phone goes off. I expect it to be Harper. She hasn’t texted me all day to ask where I am and I figure she’s curious. But when I glance down, I’m surprised to see a text from Griffin. I didn’t expect him to talk to me much after our conversation last night.

GRIFFIN:Can we meet up?

ME:I’m sorry, I can’t.

I don’t bother coming up with an excuse today. I’m not going to lie and that’s as good of a response as any.

GRIFFIN:I’m coming to your dorm.

Hunter grunts. “This boy is getting on my nerves.”

“I’ll tell him that I won’t be there,” I say, unlocking my phone.

“No,” he says. “I’ll take you to your old dorm so he can talk to you.”

I raise an eyebrow, looking at Hunter. “And what about you?”

He grins. “I’ll be hiding in your closet.”

My eyes widen. “Seriously?”

“Let’s get this over with.” He holds out a hand to help me up from the couch.

I grab his hand, letting him pull me up. “We don’t have to do this. I don’t actually want to hang out with Griffin right now.”