Page 62 of Fighting Fate

“You should get some rest, Trouble. Training continues at four in the morning,” he warns.

Four in the morning really isn’t so bad when it’s with Hunter.

I reallydohave it bad.

Friday, October 16

School spirit day.

Hunter cocks his head to the side and studies me as I walk into the kitchen that morning. I wonder what he’s thinking, but I have a feeling he’s going to tell me. He’s had something to say about all my outfits this week.

“What is today’s theme?” Hunter asks.

“School spirit day.”

He nods. “You look cute.”

Cute? That’s all he has to say?

Still, that one word has my stomach full of butterflies.

Today, I’m wearing a West Raven Academy t-shirt that I tied up with a black and red tutu that Harper made for me. She’s actually crazy when it comes to these kinds of things. I’m also wearing some red sneakers and my hair is in a high ponytail with a red ribbon tied around it.

“I look like a cheerleader,” I complain.

“I like your hair like that.” Hunter walks closer, using his hand to swish the end of my ponytail.

I shiver from the close contact.

If he notices, he doesn’t say anything.

“I know I said blue is your color, but so is red.”

I look at him for any tell that he’s teasing me, but his face is completely neutral.

I swallow hard. “Thanks.”

Hunter swipes my phone from my hand and holds it up. “Smile.”

I do smile. I can’t help but smile after what Hunter said. He does something on my phone and then hands it back to me.

I frown when I see that he sent the picture to Griffin. “Why did you send it to him?”

Hunter raises an eyebrow. “I thought you were still going to homecoming together.”

I sigh, not knowing what to say to that.

My phone vibrates before I can think of a proper response. Hunter pulls his out to read it before I do. I roll my eyes, grabbing my own phone.

GRIFFIN:You’d look better in green. Which are East Raven colors, if you didn’t know ;)

Hunter snorts. “I don’t think he got the ‘just friends’ memo.”

But hedid. I know he did. I didn’t have to say anything for Griffin to know that I’m into Hunter. But I can’t say that to Hunter.

Hunter frowns as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Does he think that Griffin and I are going to date? Is he frowning because he’s jealous?

No, that would be ridiculous. Hunter Duran is so far out of my league that it isn’t funny. There is no way he’s jealous. If he liked me like that, he would tell me. He has to know I’d say yes to him.