Page 61 of Fighting Fate

Thatis what he wanted to ask me? About Griffin? I thought it was something serious.

I chew on my bottom lip as I look into his green eyes. “Nothing happened. We just talked. And he headed back to his dorm to do homework.”

“You two looked like you were fighting,” Hunter says, not accepting my response.

I shrug one shoulder. “Griffin doesn’t like you very much.”

“Me?” Hunter’s eyes widen in shock.

“You already knew that.” I raise an eyebrow at him. “You’ve read the texts he’s sent me. He’s, like, super jealous of you. He doesn’t know that you’re my bodyguard. He thinks you’re into me.”

Hunter nods. “So why don’t you tell him the truth?”

“Because I don’t want to,” I admit. “It’s a lot. I haven’t even told Harper yet and she’s my best friend.”

“Yeah, but isn’t Griffin trying to be your boyfriend? That’s something you should tell him if things get serious.”

I let out a breath. “Yeah, but I already told you that I don’t want Griffin to be my boyfriend. I don’t like him likethat.”

“He likes you like that,” Hunter says.

My face grows warm. “Yeah, I know.”

He nods. “Ah, I get it now. Griffin admitted his feelings for you and you told him you don’t feel the same.”

That’s not exactly what happened, but I’m not about to admit anything to Hunter.

I press my lips firmly together.

“Does that mean you and Griffin are done?” Hunter asks.

I shrug. “I don’t know. I think we’re still going to homecoming together, but only as friends.”

Hunter narrows his eyes. “Is that a good idea?”

“It’s that or I can go alone. I don’t want to go at all, but Harper…” I let my voice trail off, knowing that’s the only explanation needed.

“Harper,” he agrees. “Whatever you want, I will support you. I just know that Griffin really likes you and he’s a good guy. A lot better than that Preston guy.”

I roll my eyes. “I make one poor dating choice and you’re going to hold it against me for the rest of my life.”

He grins. “Absolutely I will. You dated a guy who tried to kill you, Cove.”

Yeah, okay, he’s got a point.

Still, I sit up straighter. “He was cute in a bad boy kind of way. But I wasn’t really going to date him. I only agreed to the one date because you made me mad.”

He chuckles. “Are you always going to remind me that?”

“Yep.” I bite my lip to hide my grin.

I like these moments with Hunter. The moments when we’re alone and can just goof off. It’s when I feel the most at ease. He makes me comfortable and I can be myself. I’ve never felt like this with anybody else.

“Maybe tomorrow night we can just stay here.” I dare to look into his green eyes. “I don’t really like hanging out with everybody.”

He grins. “That sounds nice.”

It really, really does.