Page 53 of Fighting Fate


He cuts me off. “We’ll talk when we get back.”

That frightens me.

Hunter just saved me. Again. But he saved me because I messed up. I am going to be in so much trouble.

When we get to the cabin, Hunter deposits me onto the couch and storms off toward his room. A few moments later, he comes out wearing a t-shirt. I expect an angry scowl, but instead I just see relief on his face.

My stomach knots up with guilt.

I scared Hunter tonight. And I’m not sure how to make things better. I messed up really bad and he’s not going to let me forget this blunder. And the worst part is, I can’t blame him. If our roles were reversed, I’d probably be furious.

I sit up straighter, looking him directly in the eyes. “Hunter—”

Once again, he cuts me off. “I don’t know what you were thinking tonight. I was worried sick about you. But when I saw you disarm Finley, I have never felt more proud.”

My eyes widen. “Really?”

He nods, keeping his face completely neutral. “You’re good. With a little more training, you could join Spy School.”

I smile, but it quickly fades. “There is something you should know—about what Finley said tonight.”

He takes a seat beside me. “First, I want to know why you snuck out. What made you think that you couldn’t come to me? If you wanted to go that bad, I would have gone with you.”

I’m not sure aboutthat. He was so adamant today that we weren’t going. But right now isn’t the time to argue that.

“To be honest, I’m not sure what I was thinking.” I push a piece of hair behind my ear. “I just wanted a moment to myself. I didn’t even get halfway there before I realized it was a stupid idea. I turned around and headed back to the cabin. And that’s when…” my voice trails off.


I nod. “How many people in this school are assassins?”

Because it seems to me like there are alotof assassins. First Laura. And then Preston, though he wasn’t really an assassin. He just wanted the money. And now Finley…

After a lot of hesitation, Hunter answers, “I don’t know.”

I look up into his eyes. “Since you’re proud of me, does that mean I’m not in trouble for sneaking out?”

He smirks. “Nice try. I won’t be letting you out of my sight again. I’m even considering removing the door to your room so I can keep an eye on you.”

I frown. “Please, don’t.”

“I won’t.” He takes a step closer to me. “But, Cove, you can’t do that again. This is serious. It’s life and death.”

I nod. “I know. I’m sorry, Hunter.”

He surprises me by pulling me into his arms. He gives me a bone crushing hug, which is exactly what I need. I relax into his embrace, squeezing him back.

“By tomorrow, you’ll have a new window in your room. One that doesn’t open,” Hunter says as he pulls back. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just you’re a teenage girl that sometimes acts irrationally.”

I can’t argue that. I did act irrationally tonight. I reacted because I was sad. It was completely stupid.

“Thank you for saving me. Again.”

He shrugs one shoulder. “You saved yourself, Trouble.”

But we both know he did the saving. I might’ve gotten the gun from Finley, but there is no way I could’ve pulled that trigger.