Page 52 of Fighting Fate

“What is Spy School?” I ask, feigning innocence.

He snorts. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know. I know your boyfriend told you.”

“Hunter isn’t my boyfriend.” Now isn’t the time to argue, but I’ve got to keep him talking.

“You have to know he’s into you.” He pauses. “I almost forgot that you’re a teenage girl. Now you’ve got me feeling guilty about killing you.”

He relaxes his stance. Just a little, but enough.

Before he can even realize what I’m doing, I grab the gun out of his hands. He goes to fight me, but he’s too late. I have the gun in my hands and I point it directly at him.

“Whoa, hey.” Finley holds up both hands. “Where did you learn to do that?”

I need to just pull the trigger.

But my hands shake.

Can I really do this? I know he was about to kill me, but can I really take a life?

I hear somebody run up behind me. I remain still, hoping a second assassin isn’t about to jump out and kill me. Most assassins aren’t as chatty as Finley. He gave me ample opportunity to disarm him.

“Give me the gun, Cove.”


Oh, thank God.

I relinquish the gun to him and nearly fall over with relief.

“Look away,” he commands me.

I do as he says and close my eyes.

Finely starts to say something, but his words are cut short. I hear something thump against the ground and I flinch at the sound.

“Cove, are you okay?” Hunter asks softly.

I nod, keeping my eyes shut.

“Let’s go home, okay?”

Somehow, I manage to mutter, “Okay,” to him.

My voice sounds shaky and my entire body is trembling.

I’ve never been so scared in my life.

Hunter grabs onto my hand and tugs me along beside him. My legs feel like noodles, like they could give out from under me at any moment.

Hunter stops walking and he turns toward me. Green eyes lock onto mine.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

I nod, pushing my hair from my face.

I expect him to start walking again and tug me behind him, but instead he lifts me from the ground and starts to carry me. It’s then that I realize he’s not wearing a shirt, which makes my cheeks grow warm.

What can I say to him about what happened tonight? How can I explain when the reasoning behind me taking off washim?