Page 51 of Fighting Fate

And now I’m talking to myself. Great. I’m losing my sanity along with my freedom.

I’m being stupid. Why am I even putting myself through this? I should be at home, safe in my bed. I don’t even care if Hunter gets onto me, I’m heading back home.

Turning around, I walk back toward the cabin at a quick pace. I just want to be back there, safe with Hunter.

Hunter does mean safety. He’s comfort. He’s… the guy that I can’t help falling for. It was always inevitable. Too bad for me, he doesn’t feel the same about me. I’m just the girl he’s protecting. I’m his job. But I know he cares a lot about me.


I almost take off running when I hear my name called, but the voice sounds familiar. I turn around in time to see Finley run up beside me.

Why is Finley wanting to talk to me? He and Harper barely dated before they broke up. I couldn’t have said more than a few sentences to the guy.

“Hey, Finley.” I shift uncomfortably. “What’s up?”

He chuckles. “It doesn’t have to be weird between us, just because Harper and I broke up. We’re still friends, right?”


Is he serious?

“Uh, I guess.” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “Is there something you wanted to talk about?”

“You’re a hard girl to get alone.”

My heart races. “Why do you need to get me alone?”

He smirks, shaking his head. “Cove Lawson. You know, I don’t get it. Why would somebody put a hit out on you? I came because I was curious. Half a million dollars wasn’t enough for me to take your life. But a million… I could do a lot with that.”

I take a step back away from him. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re not that naive. I know that you know about the hit on your life.” Finley cocks his head to the side, studying me. “I get it. You have a large trust fund coming to you. Your dad was… very wealthy when he was alive, but in death he became even more famous. You’ll never have to work a day in your life. Not like me. I have to work hard to provide for my family.”

I hold up both of my hands. “I don’t have any money right now. I don’t get that until I’m eighteen.”

How does he even know who my dad was?

He motions his hands around us. “Look around, Cove. This school. Your stepdad. Your life. It’s glamorous.”

The irony of his words isn’t lost on me.

I get why he thinks I’ve lived a glamorous life, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Finley reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. He’s got a silencer on the end of it. The gun won’t even make a sound when he pulls the trigger.

Hunter doesn’t know that I’m out of my room tonight. He thinks I’m safely tucked away. Little does he know the danger I’m in. He’s not going to save me tonight. If I am going to survive this, I have to save myself.

Why did I leave the safety of the cabin? That was a stupid decision. My actions have consequences and I hope my own stupidity doesn’t cost me my life.

“You don’t want to do this. A million dollars isn’t worth it,” I say, trying to talk him down.

“I think it is worth it,” he says, cocking the gun.

“Hunter will find you.”

Finley smirks. “I know all about Spy School. But Hunter isn’t the only one who has been trained. I welcome him to try and come after me. I’ll put a bullet through his skull too.”

As he talks, I inch closer to him, keeping my hands up. I just need to keep him talking. I need to stall him. I have to make my move at the perfect time.