Page 50 of Fighting Fate

He holds up his phone. “I saw that Griffin texted.”

I push a piece of hair behind my ear. “Oh, that. I’m fine.”

He gives me a look like he’s not sure if he believes me.

“Griffin really likes you,” Hunter says.

I nod, not knowing what to say to that. Hunter already knows where I stand with Griffin. I don’t want anything more than friendship. I do hope I can tell Griffin that soon. The last thing I want is to break his heart, so the sooner the better.

“Griffin is a good guy,” I finally say.

“You deserve to be happy.” Hunter’s green eyes lock onto mine. “I really do think you should give Griffin a chance.”

Tears press against the back of my eyes.

Is he saying that because he knows that I have feelings for him? Is he trying to let me down easy?

I clear my throat. “Will you shut the door on your way out?”

He frowns, but nods. “Night, Cove.”

“Night,” I say.

Finally, he disappears, shutting the door. Tears roll down my cheeks and I wipe them away quickly.

Why am I sitting in this house, pining away over a guy that isn’t into me? I should go hang out with my friends. It’s my senior year. And Griffin came all this way to hang out with me. I should make an attempt.

Maybe Hunter is right. Maybe Ishouldgive Griffin a chance. But how can I give him one when I can’t even hang out with him? And when we do hang out, Hunter is always there—listening and watching.

I stop pacing and listen for any signs of Hunter. I hear him walking around in the kitchen. He won’t be checking in on me anymore tonight.

Maybe I could sneak out and go hang out with my friends.

I pull my hair into a single braid—I never wear my hair like this. And I put on a Beanie to help conceal it. Instead of wearing my white dress from earlier, I put on an oversized hoodie. I never wear this hoodie out—it’s one of Liam’s old ones. I mostly just wear it when I’m hanging around the house.

Nobody will even know it’s me.

I look in the mirror.

It’s not my cutest look, but it’ll do for the night. Besides, Griffin already thinks I’m sick. I’ll just play it up a little.

I slide open my window and look down. It’s a little high, but I’m not worried about the jump down—I’m worried about how I’m going to get back in.

I’ll worry about that later.

I sit on the ledge of the window and jump onto the ground.

No turning back now.

The moment I walk into the woods, I second guess myself. Do I really need to be doing this? But if I try to sneak back in now, Hunter will know. Then I really will be in trouble.

I’ll just be careful. Tonight will be fine.

My stomach is in knots as I keep walking forward. I think of all the time I’ve almost died and Hunter has been there to save me. But he doesn’t even know I’ve left the house tonight. He won’t be here if something goes wrong.

I hear something move in the leaves behind me. My heart jumps out of my chest as I reach for the phone in my pocket. I turn around, ready to fight if I need to. I squeal as a big, black eyes stare up at me.

I put a hand to my chest. “Oh, my gosh. It’s a squirrel. I’m scared of a freaking squirrel.”