Page 43 of Fighting Fate

Hunter ignores me, grabbing my phone from my hand. “Smile, Trouble. Trust me when I tell you, you’re beautiful. He will want to see you.”

Even though I try not to smile, I can’t help it.

Hunter called me beautiful.

My heart races entirely too fast.

Hunter pushes a few buttons on my phone and then hands it back to me.

“I already sent it because I know you probably wouldn’t do it,” he says.

I narrow my eyes. “How do you even know the passcode for my phone?”

He grins. “I know everything about you. Including the fact that you self sabotage everything good in your life.”

“I do not.”

He raises an eyebrow, calling my bluff.

My phone vibrates in my hand, so I look at it. Griffin sends quite a few texts in a row, including about fifty eye heart emojis.


GRIFFIN:Stunning, Cove!

GRIFFIN:Is it too late to transfer to West Raven?

Hunter chuckles. “Told you.”

I ignore him and text Griffin back.

ME:I look ridiculous.

His response is immediate.


GRIFFIN:Who took the picture?

I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Tell him Harper did it,” Hunter says.

But I won’t lie to Griffin.

ME:Hunter did.

I see three dots, letting me know Griffin is typing his response.

“You shouldn’t have told him that,” Hunter says. “He’s jealous. He thinks I’m into you.”

“I’m lying to him a lot already, Hunter. I’m not going to lie about little things like who took my picture. I just can’t.” I feel icky for all the lying I’ve been doing as it is. Griffin deserves the truth. He’s a good guy.

Hunter puts his hands on my shoulders. “I’m sorry, Cove. I know all of this sucks, but your life will be back to normal soon. The organization that I work for is really, really good. We get things done. After this is over, you can tell Griffin the truth. I’m sure he will forgive you.”

“I don’t really care.” I look up, meeting Hunter’s green eyes. Looking at him hurts my chest. Nobody should be as beautiful as he is. “When all this is over, what will you do?”

He steps back, letting his arms fall. “I don’t know. I guess I’ll go to a new assignment.”