Page 28 of Fighting Fate

“I’m sorry things didn’t work out between you and Finley,” I tell her earnestly. “But Reed seems like a really nice guy. He’s also way hotter than Finely.”

“Right?” She beams at me. “Now we just need to get you a boyfriend.” She pauses, looking at Hunter. “Unless you’re sure that you don’t want to date Hunter.”

I groan covering my face with my hands. “I don’t want a boyfriend.”

Because if I did have a boyfriend, how could I explain Hunter to him?

“She’s already sort of dating Griffin,” Hunter says.

Harper gives me a curt nod. “Good. Griffin is hot.”

“Preston was hot too,” I remind her.

She waves a hand. “But Preston was a jerk. Griffin is nice. Have you seen the guy with his little sister?”

I swallow hard, realizing Griffinisnice. Too nice for me.

“I’ve decided I’m going to be single until I’m thirty,” I say.

Or until I get over Hunter.

But I won’t be sayingthatout loud.

A million dollars sounds good.

Before heading to my afternoon lineup of classes, I go to my locker to change out my books.

Most of the students don’t use the lockers, they’ll just head to their dorms to change out their books. But the cabin is too far away for me to just walk there between classes.

Hunter paces behind me. His locker is right beside mine, and I’m sure that’s not a coincidence.

My cheeks are still warm from my conversation with Harper in the dining hall.

I know that Hunter realizes why everybody thinks we’re together—it’s because we are together all the time. But I still feel like it’s obvious to everybody, including him, that I am super into him. It’s embarrassing. I just wish I could get over this stupid crush I have on him.

I push the password in on my locker and it swings open. When it does, a paper falls out onto the floor. I ignore it as I grab my books and slam my locker shut. Bending over, I pick up the paper.

“What did your locker do to you?” Hunter asks, shutting his own locker softly.

I shrug. “I am just frustrated today, I guess.”

He smirks. “Your friend is certainly outspoken.”

She really is. I just wish she wouldn’t tease me so much about Hunter. Maybe because it hits a little close to home. And I can’t tell her the truth, though I wish I could.

Hunter and I pace beside one another as we head to our next class. As we walk into the room, I grab the paper that fell out of my locker, about to toss it in the trash. I pause as I see my name at the top. I look at the unfamiliar handwriting.


A million dollars sounds pretty good right about now.

My heart races as I read the words.

Whoever this person is,theyknow. And not only do they know about the hit, but they also know about the price increase of the hit.

I look up, seeing Hunter standing by his desk, waiting for me. He glances toward me and I freeze, not knowing what to do. He must see something on my face because he rushes over to me. The final bell rings, but Hunter doesn’t care. He just grabs my wrist and pulls me into the hallway, ignoring the teacher that is yelling after us.

Hunter pulls me into a nearby classroom that is unoccupied and shuts the door, locking it behind us.