King Basilicus nods. “I figured. Hybrid elementals are typically stronger and once they learn control, a full blooded elemental has got nothing on them. It’s why elementals are so afraid of hybrids.”

“Shouldn’t they want to be stronger? Don’t they want their children and grandchildren to grow up in a better world than they did?” I ask, wondering what the supernatural community is so scared of. After being here and learning what I have about hybrids, they’re not a bad thing. Not at all.

“They’re afraid of power. I’ve made a treaty with King Mundus, but the elemental council keeps rejecting the treaty. My nephew is at Elemental Academy. I was hoping him being there would help change things, but it hasn’t.” King Basilicus frowns. “I’ve thought about bringing him home so many times. They’re cruel to him. But my younger brother insists that he needs the training.”

“What can elementals teach a dragon shifter?” I lean forward, genuinely curious about his response.

“My nephew is a hybrid—he’s a very strong elemental. Unfortunately, he lost his mother at a young age. He lost control of his emotions and caused some damage. We made a deal with the elementals to send him to Elemental Academy for training,” King Basilicus explains. “But it’s been quite a few years. I’m certain my nephew has control now. He was only a child when he lost control.”

I can’t imagine.

“It’s probably good that Tori’s elemental powers didn’t show up until she came here then.” Devin laces our fingers together under the table.

King Basilicus nods, turning to face me. “I’ve heard of that happening quite frequently. Some hybrids get their powers later on in life, usually around puberty or when they’re a young adult. In the case of my nephew, he was more like a dragon shifter with slight elemental powers. When he lost control of his elemental magic and we saw how powerful it was, we realized he was more elemental.”

“So he won’t shift?” Devin asks.

“We won’t know for sure until his eighteenth birthday. His father doesn’t think he will. Me, I’m not sure. You never can tell.” He eyes me. “Tori, the more I get to know you, the more I realize that the supernatural world isn’t so black and white. You are very clearly equal in your elemental and dark fae powers. So maybe there is hope for my nephew.”

I ponder his words as Damian puts a huge pan on the table. Monica gets Grant set in his high chair.

Out of respect, we all wait for King Basilicus to go first. He insists that Monica make a plate for Grant first. Despite the fact that he polished off a large bottle of milk moments ago, the kid acts like he’s starving. He cries while waiting for Monica to hand him his plate.

As it turns out, dragon shifters also have large appetites. I imagine turning into a dragon burns a lot of calories—probably more than even shifting into a wolf.

King Basilicus laughs when he sees my small portion. “You eat like a human.”

Devin frowns. “I’ve tried to get her to eat more.”

“It’s all I need.” I squeeze Devin’s hand beneath the table. “Using dark fae and elemental powers doesn’t affect my appetite.”

“Interesting.” He furrows his brows like he’s genuinely confused.

I guess all supernaturals are different from one another and that’s what makes our community so beautiful.

You’ll find out.

King Basilicus stays for a little while after dinner, but he leaves around the time Monica puts Grant down for bed. Damian tries to go to bed when Monica puts Grant down, but Devin stops him.

“We need to talk,” Devin says, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at his older brother.

Devin is annoyed with his brother. I’m not sure if it’s because of not knowingwhyKing Basilicus is on the island or if it’s because of what happened yesterday—probably a little of both.

“Are you going to apologize for your behavior yesterday?” Damian gives his younger brother a pointed look.

“No. I’m not going to apologize for that because I am right.” Devin takes a step closer to his brother. It would intimidate anybody, but Damian doesn’t look bothered at all. If anything, he looks amused—or maybe annoyed. It’s hard to tell with him.

I put a hand on Devin’s arm, hoping to help calm him down. I know better than to use my dark fae powers on him, but I do send him a bit of happiness.

Devin glances at me, shaking his head. “Stop being so cute.”

Damian groans. “Both of you stop being cute. I’m going to vomit.”

Devin rolls his eyes as he looks at his older brother. “You owe me an explanation.”

“An explanation about what?” Damian inquires.

“King Basilicus.”