She cocks one brow. “Why do I feel like there is a story behind that?”

“There is.”

I tell Winter the story of Devin and my meeting—and how he hated me at first. She laughs at the stories I tell her.

“Sorry.” Her shoulders shake with laughter. “It’s not funny, but it kind of is. Devin does seem really stubborn.”

“He is.”

“But he came around.” She smiles. “I feel like once Devin makes up his mind about something, nothing could change it.”

I grin, thinking she already knows him so well. “You know, before you got here, Dawson was having a really hard time. It was difficult for him that Devin met me.”

“I wasn’t even supposed to come here,” Winter says. “King Mundus was going to send somebody else, but they couldn’t come quick enough. He called me the day before I came. I didn’t even want to come, but when your king asks you to do something, you do it. I’m so glad I did. Meeting Dawson has been everything I’ve ever dreamt of and more. I never expected a wolf shifter would be my mate, but now I can’t imagine it any other way. Elementals don’t interact with other supernaturals often, so I have no idea if I would’ve met him without you.”

“Then I’m glad I have out of control elemental magic.”

She laughs.

My phone vibrates, so I pull it out and see Devin’s name popup.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re usually home by now. I was worried.”

“I’ll be home soon,” I assure him. “I’m with Winter. Don’t worry so much.”

“It’s my job to worry about you,” he says.

“You know I’m capable of protecting myself. I’m powerful, or at least Winter thinks I am.”

“I know you can protect yourself, but I don’t want you to have to.” Devin’s voice is low and husky.

I clear my throat, looking away from Winter. “I’ll see you in a little bit, okay?”

“Okay. Bye, baby.”


The call comes to an end and I dare to look at Winter. She smirks, shaking her head.

“Wolf shifters are very protective of their women.”

I nod. “Especially alphas. Dawson may not be alpha, but he’s got alpha blood.”

Winter grins. “I like the overprotectiveness. It’s kind of hot. I’m so glad my mate wasn’t an elemental.”

“Dark fae don’t have soulmates. I feel so lucky that I have a mate at all. If not, I would’ve been forced into an arranged marriage.” I frown, thinking about how horrible that would’ve been.

“Arranged marriage?” She wrinkles her nose. “King Hastings is a complete tool.”

I’m not going to argue that. “He definitely sucks.”

She stands up straighter. “You should probably go back home before Devin comes looking for you.”