“What do you think is going to happen now? There is no way my father is going to let that go.” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “Even if he doesn’t find Kai right away, he’s going to want to do something else to get revenge.”

“The packs are on high alert. Everybody knows the threat that King Hastings is. He’s not going to hurt the wolves,” Damian says. “I don’t know what he’s going to do now, but I imagine you’re right. He won’t let it go.”

“I wish there was something I could do.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

Things can’t keep going on like they are. Sooner or later, somethinghasto happen. I just hope my father doesn’t win this war. We have to beat him.

“Nobody will be safe until King Hastings is dead,” Devin says.

I turn to look into his green eyes. “You’re right. But what can I do about it?”

“Nothing right now.” He frowns. “But we will figure something out, I promise you that.”

Damian takes a seat at the table, across from us. “Dev is right. When King Hastings declared war on the wolf shifters, he made a big mistake.”

“Just ruling the dark fae isn’t enough for him. He won’t be satisfied unless he’s ruling every supernatural.” But he’s crazy if he thinks he can control anybody else. No other supernatural would put up with what the dark fae have. And the only reason they have put up with him is out of fear, not loyalty.

“It’ll be over soon,” Devin promises. “Until then, I will protect you.”

“Wewill protect you,” Damian says. “King Hastings picked a fight that he has no shot of winning.”

The wolves are resilient, I’ll give them that. And to be included in the pack feels better than I ever thought possible.

“Thank you,” I tell them.

Because them giving me a home, a family, and a pack means more than I could ever begin to explain.

This is where I belong.

Saturday, February 6

The earth elemental.

On Saturday morning, Damian tells me to get dressed for training.

The earth elemental has arrived.

I rush through a shower, my heart pounding fast the entire time. My hands shake as I throw clothes on as quickly as possible.

Other than a few hybrids and my aunt, I’ve never met an elemental before. And this elemental isn’t just anybody—they’re an elemental sent by King Mundus, my grandfather. I want to make a good impression.

Once I’m dressed and ready, I find Devin standing in my bedroom, waiting for me. He’s got his hands stuffed into the front pockets of his jeans. When he sees me, he relaxes his stance and smiles widely.

He’s happy to see me.

I step closer to him. “Hey.”

“Hey.” He cocks his head to the side. “Why do you look surprised?”

“You’re really happy to see me.”

He lifts one eyebrow. “I’m always really happy to see you.”

My breath gets caught in my throat.

How lucky am I that I get to spend forever with this man?

Devin pulls me into his arms. “As much as I want to keep you here all day, we shouldn’t keep the elemental waiting.”