I put a hand between them. “I’m with Devin on this one. I caused a minor earthquake the first time we kissed, but not since then. If I’m being honest, Devin’s touch seems to be the only thing that helps me whenever I have lost control. So, I respectfully disagree.”

“Fine.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “But if something happens, it’s on the two of you.”

“Understood,” I say, knowing that nothing is going to happen. At least not from kissing. If anything, us not kissing would cause an earthquake.

Devin is my person—my soulmate. He’s the one who grounds me. Everything is right in the world when we’re together. Anytime we’re apart, things always feel so complicated. So while I understand what Damin is saying, I completely disagree with him.

I glance over at Devin and see that he has a smirk on his face.

“What?” I ask him.

He shrugs one shoulder. “Nothing. You’re just kinda hot when you’re all authoritative like that.”

Damian grunts. “The two of you are going to give me gray hair before I even turn thirty.”

I gasp, deciding to mess with him. “You’re not already thirty?”

His eyes widen as he looks at me, but when he sees my expression he shakes his head. “You know I’m not thirty, don’t you?”

Devin busts out laughing.

Damian shakes his head back and forth. “I’m going to go get some work done until lunch. You two behave.” He gives us a stern look before heading back into his office. Devin is still laughing when the door shuts.

“I’m going to go help Monica,” I tell Devin, then I make my way into the kitchen. I glance over and see Devin heading over to hang out with Dawson and Grant on the floor. Seeing Devin with his nephew makes my heart race.

“You doing okay?” Monica asks as I join her.

I lean my hip against the counter. “Yeah, just kind of overwhelmed. I went my whole life believing I was only dark fae, but it turns out that I’m also a wolf shifter and an elemental. Since I was taught that hybrids are an abomination, it’s kind of strange to be one.”

“Hybrids are just like any other supernatural,” Monica says.

“I know thatnow. It’s just weird. All hybrid dark fae are sentenced to death. My father doesn’t allow them to live.” I cross my arms over my chest. “He tried to kill me when I was a baby. I’m not sure what happened, but he couldn’t do it.”

“Change of heart?” she suggests.

I shake my head. “No. He’s killed all of my sisters. It was something else.”

Monica gasps. “Really? He killed his own children.”

I frown but nod. “My dad has known Kailor since he was born. Kai grew up practically living in the castle. If my dad can kill him, he could kill anybody. He actually liked Kai.”

“King Hastings liked Kailor?”

I nod. “He always had warm feelings toward him. He liked him more than he ever liked me.”

Monica takes a step closer to me. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“It’s okay.” I can’t help but smile. “I was forced to come to Shifter Academy, where I met my soulmate. I have a family now that loves me. And I still have Nico too. Once all of this is over with my father, I can see my brother again.”

I only wish I could be there for him now. He must be hurting so bad, knowing that Kailor is going to be executed tomorrow. They’ve always been so close.

“Was Grant really upset by the earthquake earlier?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No. He was fine. He cried for a bit, but I soothed him and he was okay. Within a minute, he was laughing again.”

That does make me feel a little better. I hated the thought of upsetting the little guy. Devin and I might not be married yet, but I already consider Grant my nephew.

“Do you need help?” I nod toward the oven.